Truth Encounter: Face To Face With The Authentic Christ



Becoming like Him needs to be the goal of your life. Listen and rediscover the biblical Jesus. He is the incomparable, God-man, the Son of God.


  • To Be Seen or Not Seen (Matthew 6:1-18)


    The Lord’s Prayer. It’s the most recited, most misunderstood prayer in all the world! In fox holes and emergency rooms everyone--from agnostics to devout believers--everyone prays! This reflex reaction to crisis proves that God has placed His stamp upon the human spirit. Times of crisis are not the only times most of us pray. But what does God think about all this conversation addressed in His direction? Does He listen? Does He respond?

  • Thou Shalt Not (Matthew 5:27-43)


    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS--they are the foundation of morality. They are listed in full twice in the Old Testament in Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. Though radical twenty-year-olds laugh at their meaning in contemporary society, most adults sober up by thirty-five, and accept their wisdom. Those who obey these precepts will be welcomed at the pearly gates, but those who break these commands will perish. The role of church or synagogue becomes clear. Teach these ethical principles, motivate people to obey them, and reward the good obedient children with promises of eternal bliss. But is this popular good guy--bad guy view of religion the truth?

  • Surpass Pharisaic Righteousness (John 5:17-26)


    Down through the centuries Jews have been maligned and persecuted by so-called Christians. As we listen to Jesus' accusations against the Pharisees of his day, we must not fall into the bigotry of seeing these negatives only in a religious group different than our own. Jesus' penetrating analysis exposes the hypocrisy, and the externality in all of our self-righteous scruples. Ask this question as you listen, "Why will prostitutes, tax-collectors, and thieves be welcomed at the gates of heaven, while some ministers, doctors of theology, and ecclesiastical authorities will be turned away?"

  • The Mission (Matthew 5:5-16)


    The swollen bellies of the hungry children in Somali broke, and then moved all our hearts. But what about a hunger that goes beyond the cry of our stomachs? Who can deal with our illicit internal appetites, and create a hunger for food that can satisfy us forever? What Jesus meant when He said, "Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled?"

  • Character Traits Of Kingdom (Matt 5:1-12)


    The kingdom of this world daily preaches its motivational thinking to us. If you want to be great in this world's kingdom learn this list, and apply it. Looking out for Number 1 will be your escalator to success. You'll earn your millions. Purchase your dream homes. Drive your limousines. Be feared by thousands! Take care of yourself physically--and you might live to be eighty. Then a heart attack, or cancer will suck your self-sufficient spirit dry, and you'll face your Creator bankrupt! The Sermon on the Mount gets under your skin! It's beauty everyone acknowledges, but its content challenges our most treasured convictions about living!

  • Fishing with Jesus (Luke 5:1-11)


    Spring is the magical time of the year for fishermen. It’s the right time when the water temperature is not the frigid blue of February, or the hot tub of August. Many species school near the surface, but getting the big catch is often only the figment of the avid fisherman’s imagination. One hardly expects to encounter a fishing expedition in the pages of the Holy Scripture! The Bass Pro Outlet in Springfield, Missouri, but not the Bible!

  • Hometown Rejection (Luke 4:14-30)


    When an astronaut, an Olympic gold medal winner, or a state finals coach returns to his hometown it is time for a parade! The floats are decorated, the confetti is shredded, and the multitude gathers. It is time for everyone to express appreciation for the star who has brought recognition and renown to his or her hometown. Imagine the terror when the applause of the crowd turns into a riot, and the hatred almost murders the home grown hero!

  • The Adultress (John 4:1-42)


    Imagine attending a church on a Sunday morning, and about five minutes into the worship service, while the congregation sings one of the majestic old hymns, the "scarlet woman" of the town walks into the church, up the aisle--making her entrance. Imagine the whispers--"Look at that dress! Who does she think she is?" What about an immoral woman who wants to come to Jesus?

  • Look and Live (John 3:12-21)


    When a young married couple brings home their first new baby, it is cause for great celebration!! What do you think happens in heaven when a new baby is born spiritually? Even Hollywood has become very interested in angels, but this is hardly the place to expect to discover the truth about angelic activities or spiritual truth. What does the Bible actually mean when it talks about being “born from above” and how do angels feel about it?

  • Born From Above (John 3:1-12)


    Many in our society are confused over what it means to be "born again." Contrary to popular opinion Jimmy Carter did not originate the idea in the 70's, nor is it some unique experience reserved only for those who reject modern technology and speak in only King James English. Where did all this “born again“ talk really originate?

  • The Rebuilt Temple (John 2:12-25)


    Professional religionists always figure out ways to capitalize on the gnawing spiritual hunger in the human heart. Often the reaction to these spiritual con men is to become cynical and retreat from all public worship. But is this "spiritual healing for sale" something new to the 20th century? Are all religious teachers frauds only in it for the dollars?

  • When the Wine Runs Out (John 2:1-12)


    Today’s study is desperately needed in a world that is partying itself to death trying to find happiness while those who actually have found the source of joy often mistakenly believe that Jesus takes all the pleasure away. The religious Jesus who never smiles, never laughs or has a good time is not the Jesus of the Bible. Check it out as our study leader, Dave Wyrtzen, takes us to the party where Jesus performed his first miracle. Who do you go to when the wine runs out?

  • Come and See (John 1:28-51)


    Do you stay so busy that you never have to stop and get quiet enough to listen to your innermost thoughts? Who wants to expose the pride, the false motives, the jealousy, immorality, and the hate that often lurk deep in the corners of our hearts? We hunger to get genuinely close to others, but who has the time? Sometimes even our church involvement turns into frantic, religious hyperactivity. Where can we find some peace and quiet, true rest for our souls?

  • Overcoming Passions (Matthew 4:1-11)


    Have you decided that you ate too much, and that you need to lose some weight? How is it going? The good intentions, the strict rules, the rationalizations, and the over indulgence--this sequence relates not only to our inability to control our food intake, but to our difficulty in controlling sexual desires, spending habits, alcohol consumption, and you can add your own besetting weakness. We invite you to join us as our teacher, Dave Wyrtzen, introduces us to the ultimate expert on self-control.

  • Mystery-Water-Voice-Dove (Matthew 3; Luke 3)


    When your telephone rings like an alarm, and you receive word that one of your teenagers has been in a serious accident, does Jesus care? When you make a resolution that today you will control your temper, and the first words out of your mouth burn like acid, does Jesus shake his head and turn away in disgust? Does the perfect Son of God identify with our suffering, or does He remain detached from our human pain -isolated in a world of heavenly perfection?

  • The Messiah's Messenger (Mt 3; Mark 1)


    He didn't care what politicians, or the religious hierarchy of his day, thought about him. This preacher preached to change lives, not to please his audience. He was god's powerful roto-tiller churning up the stony ground of first century Palestine, so that the seeds of the Messiah's Kingdom could grow in human hearts. John the Baptist, the wilderness prophet of Israel, cries out to the wilderness of our spiritual dryness.

  • In His Father's House (Luke 2:4-5:2)


    The transition from twelve to thirteen--it's one of life's most powerful times of change. Tough on parents. Tough on kids. Mom especially struggles to keep a tight hold on the reins, while her teen struggles to break free of their little child identity. How did Jesus, the perfect son, respond to his parents on the eve of adulthood?

  • Worship or Murder (Matthew 2)


    Contrary to much modern opinion that believes that Jesus can be ignored, He precipitates the most intense reactions. In our lust for power and the preservation of our own security, Jesus threatens our status quo, and we often react with hostility. The murderer, Herod, in the Christmas account illustrates this response. If wisdom is at the core of our being-a desire for truth-Jesus will satisfy our quest. With the wisemen, we will kneel before Him and give our gifts and abilities. Will our response to Jesus be murder, or worship?

  • God's Redeemer Identified (Acts 2:21-40)


    The holidays generate great anticipation. We expect release from the pressure and stress of the normal grind, laughter and relaxation with family and friends, time for contemplating life's true values, and yet, when the special days come to a close, how can we protect ourselves from re-entering life's super highway, and forgetting that a relationship with Jesus must mean more than giving Him passing recognition in a couple annual Holy days.

  • Why A Decree? Why a Manger? Why Shepherds? (Luke 2:1-20)


    Do you ever get upset about some major inconveniences? Imagine how a young teenager and her new husband must have felt when in the ninth month of her pregnancy they suddenly found out they needed to make a 90 mile trek to Bethlehem. Of all the despicable situations--an ungodly ruler seeking to increase your taxes, a tortuous journey late in pregnancy, no accommodations when you arrive in your home town--yet the Almighty Ruler used all this inconvenience to fulfill His promise.

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