Artificial Intelligence In Industry With Dan Faggella



Artificial intelligence is more interesting when it comes from the source. Each week, Dan Faggella interviews top AI and machine learning executives, investors and researchers from companies like Facebook, eBay, Google DeepMind and more - with one single focus: Gaining insight on the applications and implications of AI in industry. Follow our Silicon Valley adventures and hear straight from AI's best and brightest.


  • The Question of Human "Enhancement," Past and Future - with John Danaher, PhD

    19/10/2014 Duração: 51min

    John Danaher attained his PhD from University College Cork in Ireland, and presently writes on various topics related to ethics and human enhancement for organizations like the Institute for Ethics and Emergence Technology. He is currently a lecturer in law at NUI Galway. In this episode, we explore the concept of human "enhancement" from a philosophical and legal standpoint, and consider it's implications in the coming decades of technological development. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • The Y-Combinator Experience - Maximizing Your Success with Accelerators with Survata's CEO Chris Kelly

    13/10/2014 Duração: 28min

    Chris Kelly founded Survata with an idea of changing the way that the survey marketplace works. With a drive to make his company exceptional, Chris applied to Y-Combinator, Silicon Valley's hottest startup accelerator. In this interview, he talks about his advice for getting into an accelerator, how to make the most of the experience, and how to keep up the momentum of an accelerator when you leave - making the entire experience as beneficial as possible.   For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • Rand Fishkin, Founder of Moz - There's More to SEO Then There Used to Be

    06/10/2014 Duração: 20min

    Rand Fishkin started in 2004, while working with his mother in a small marketing company she'd started in Seattle. After years of languishing in obscurity, Rand's little site turned out to be one of the most respected sources for quality "white hat" SEO advice, and creator of a variety of SEO-related tools for businesses. Hitting 100 employees in 2012, the business continues to grow, and i working hard on expanding it's offerings to business owners and marketers everywhere. In THIS interview, Rand tells us what's new (and what's NOT new) about SEO today - and what companies he admires for phenomenal content marketing that any startup could learn from.  For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the

  • Prof Nick Bostrom - On Existential Risk and Individual Contribution to the "Good"

    29/09/2014 Duração: 21min

    Prof Nick Bostrom is widely respected as the premier academic thinker on topics related to strong artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and existential risks. His talks, books, and articles cover all of these topics, and his vocation involves bringing attention and critical thought to these most pressing human issues. He is founder and director of the Future of Huminity Institute at Oxford, and author of the new book "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies." In this episode, Nick and I explore the topic of identifying "existential" human risks (those that could wipe out life forever), and how individuals and groups might mediate these risks on a grand scale to better secure the flourishing of humanity in the coming decades and centuries. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: For more information on Nick Bostrom himself, please visit his perso

  • How Virtual Reality Might Take Over "White Collar" Work Forever - with Anton Þórólfsson, COO of MURE VR

    22/09/2014 Duração: 24min

    Anton Þórólfsson is working on letting you work from "home"... or from the Amazon jungle, or from the moon. Well... not the actual moon, or your real "home," but a virtual one. His company, MURE VR (he sits today as co-founder and COO) is working on allowing indiviuals to interact with all of their computer programs in a totally virtual world thanks to the help of the Oculus Rift. This would allow a user to strap on a headset and headphones, and escape into whatever virtual environment he or she liked, accessing a potentially unlimited number of "screens" (displays) and computer programs all at once. The task, as you might image, isn't easy, and in this interview, Anton talks to us not only about how the entire idea of "work" might change in the coming decades, but about the technological hurdles that companies like his will have to cross to get there. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual

  • Attaining "Embodiment" in Brain-Machine Interface Technologies - with g.Tec Founder Dr. Christoph Guger

    14/09/2014 Duração: 26min

    Dr. Christoph Guger is founder of g.Tec, a company that focuses on creating devices and parts for the field of brain-machine interface. In this particular interview, Christoph shares with us the direction and progress of brain-machine interface, as well as explaining the concept of "embodiment," where a person truly "feels" that a device controlled by their thoughts is a part of themselves, and extension of themselves. Where might these technologies make their jump into the mainstream? Listen to Christoph's interview here. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property:

  • Overcoming Augmented Reality's Current Challenges - with Georgia Tech's Blair MacIntyre

    07/09/2014 Duração: 43min

    Augmented reality, for the most part, is still relegated to smartphones and relatively novel headset experiences. We've come a long way in the last 15 years since Georgia Tech's Blair MacIntyre first got involved in AR, and in this episode he explains what the future might look like as get closer and closer to an immersed AR experience. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property:

  • How Brain Signals Could Control Just About Any Technology - with BrainGate's Dr. Beata Jarosiewicz

    31/08/2014 Duração: 23min

    Brown's BrainGate project is hailed as one of the premier research projects in the entire field of brain-machine interface. Researchers here have given paralyzed patients the ability to move robotic arms and check emails with their thoughts alone - thanks to experimental neural implants in their motor cortex. Dr. Beata Jarosiewicz has been with BrainGate project for years, with a specific focus on interpreting neurological signals and turning them into actionable outputs. In this interview, she talks about the science of making sense of the brain's inner electrical activity, and how it might be used to control nearly any device if calibrated correctly. The ramifications here are increadible.  For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property:

  • The Science Behind Non-Invasive Brain Machine Interface - with Interaxon Founder Ariel Garten

    24/08/2014 Duração: 23min

    Ariel Garten is the founder of Interaxon, the neurofeedback company that developed the well-known Muse headband, one of the first "non-invasive" brain-machine interface headbands on the market. Ariel talks about why the Muse headband is focused on helping users calm their minds and gain clarity and focus, and on what other non-invasive BMI technologies may allow for in the coming 5 to 10 years. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property:

  • Augmented Reality and Cybercrime - with Joe Rampolla of "AR Dirt"

    17/08/2014 Duração: 39min

    Joe Rampolla was like any other police officer assigned to a cybercrime unit. But after seeing the posibilities for extreme good and potential abuse with VR and AR technologies, he wanted to go deeper. He's not one of the most connected people in the Augmented Reality community, and in this interview he talks about the considerations that responsible people might want to make now with respect to the "good" and "bad" use of technology. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • The Wild Future of Brain-Machine Interface - with Duke's Dr. Mikhail Lebedev

    10/08/2014 Duração: 29min

    Dr. Mihail Lebedev is a widely published brain-machine interface (BMI) researcher currently at Duke University. In this episode, we cover the past of BMI technology, dating back to the 1950's, into a surprising and unknowable future of enhanced human potential. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • Understanding Consciousness - with Quantum Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami

    03/08/2014 Duração: 30min

    Dr. Amit Goswami is a theoretical quantum physicist, and renown speaker and author on the topic of understanding consciousness and human existence. The western view of the mind implies that what is real is physical, and what is not physical is not real. Dr Goswami speaks to his experience in physics - and eastern perspective of the mind - that might just shake your current assumptions. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • Getting Funded, Getting Press, and Growing a Startup - with Ryan Rogowski, CEO of Waygo

    27/07/2014 Duração: 25min

    Waygo is a company that involves more aumented reality and artificial intelligence than most of us would understand, but they've managed to do real-time translation of asian languages with no connection to the internet. In this episode, Waygo founder Ryan Rogowski talks about how he got into an accelerator, raised serious money from the infamous 500 Startups fund, and got featured in the New York Times. Startup founders - tune in. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • "Bunnies in Newspapers," and Augmented Reality's Functional Future - with Trak Lord of Metaio

    20/07/2014 Duração: 32min

    "Bunnies in Newspapers" is what Trak Lord thinks of as "gimmicky augmented realty." You know the stuff, the little character that jumps from the magazine page when you hover your smartphone over it. It usually doesn't ad much value to the user's experience, some people feel that it might be a detriment to the industry. So what does the head of US marketing for one of the world's first Augmented reality companies think WILL be helpful for the field of AR? Listen up. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • The Dynamics of Global Collaboration for the Greater Good - with Howard Rheingold

    13/07/2014 Duração: 29min

    Howard Rheingold has a knack for understanding the future. In the 1980's he wrote "Tools for Thought," a book about the personal computer and the coming era of mind-expanding technology, and recently he's published "Net Smart" about how humanity can help itself through collaboration on the web. He teaches a class on collaboration at Standford, and in this episode, shares some of his biggest lessons about the past and potentially revolutionary future of how humans share and collaborate to make everyone's life better. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • Augmented Reality Might Hit "Blue Collar" First - with Augmate CEO Pete Wassell

    06/07/2014 Duração: 18min

    There's a lot of talk about Augmented Reality, and when it might become "mainstream." Many leading experts believe that workers who are in front of "screens" all day (office and desk workers) might not be the first to be immerser in augmeted reality - it might just be the mechanic and the warehouse worker wearing headsets and seeing holographic displays in front of them. Augmate CEO Pete Wassell explains talks about his predictions. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • Converstion Rate Optimization for Startups - with Peep Laja of ConversionXL

    29/06/2014 Duração: 22min

    Peep Laja has worked with large and small companies to help them convert more visitors to leads and buyers. As co-founder of the firm Markitect, he's seen it all, and he breaks down the common mistakes that startups make when split-testing. My guess is that if you're a founder or marketer, you're making these same errors - here's how to convert MORE. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • Dr. Gholson Lyon - Genetic Research, and it's Application in Today's Healthcare System

    22/06/2014 Duração: 22min

    Dr. Gholson Lyon is a psychologist, speaker, and researcher at Cold Spring Harbor. He is outspoken about the impact of genomic research in the medical world. In this episode, we talk about the impact of genetic research and integrating of the personal genome in the coming 5 years. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications of Emerging Tech? Sentient Potential Covers the Ethical Considerations and Future Projections at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness:

  • "Space Hacking" - How to Open Up Citizen Science and Get Us to Space - with Ariel Waldman

    15/06/2014 Duração: 17min

    Ariel Waldman loves space, and once wanted to work for NASA. Badly. So badly, in fact, that NASA could sense it when they read her letter to them - stating that she wanted to be involved in any way. Though she got to learn about dark matter and black holes, and though she got to send objects into space, she realized she didn't need NASA for this job. So, she took off to start, a site dedicated to getting "regular" people involved in space exploration via disruptive citizen science projects that almost anyone has access to. In this episode we explore the ways that science fiction has (and can continue to) shape the future, and how citizen science is allowing people from around the world to help break ground in science, and get credit for it. For More Information, Visit the HUB of Startups / Business in Emerging Technology. From Robotic Limbs to Getting Angel Investment, from Biotech to Intellectual Property: Interested in the Future of Humanity and the Ramifications o

  • Uploading Human Minds - How Close are We? With Randal Koene, PhD.

    08/06/2014 Duração: 34min

    Randal Koene PhD is CEO and Founder of, and one of the world's foremost experts on neurology as it relates to uploading human minds. "Uploading" is still the stuff of science fiction, but it's a life mission for Dr. Koene - and legendary futurists and scientists like Ray Kurzweil expect it to be possible within just a few decades of progress. In this interview, we talk about how far along science has come now, and what aspects of research need to evolve in order to replicate human consciousness in another substrate. For more interviews on the intersection of technology and psychology, visit:

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