Genesis At Fbs - Audio



Genesis services meet in the Hangar at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mornings, and crank up the volume a little bit for those who want to worship the Lord in a more contemporary way!


  • Do You See What I See? | Joseph

    10/12/2023 Duração: 28min

    Continuing his Christmas sermon series titled, “Do You See What I See,” Dr. Harder focuses on the perspective of Joseph. When an angel appears to Joseph, he obeys God by taking Mary as his wife and naming her child Jesus, adopting him into the lineage of David and participating in the fulfillment of prophecy. Joseph's life parallels Christ's as the suffering servant, modeling self-sacrifice for God's work. The sermon challenges us this Advent to follow Joseph's example by going to join Jesus wherever he leads, even into discomfort and unknown places.

  • Do You See What I See? | Mary

    03/12/2023 Duração: 26min

    In his new Christmas sermon series titled, “Do You See What I See,” Dr. Harder focuses on the story of the angel Gabriel visiting Mary. He goes on to discuss Mary's fear at the news she will bear the Son of God with the great favor and purpose God gave her. Likewise, we should choose trusting God's favor rather than fearing the unknown when God moves in our lives. Pastor Mike urges replacing any negative identities we've internalized about ourselves with the truth that God has shown us favor by offering a relationship through Christ.

  • God, I Will Go

    26/11/2023 Duração: 33min

    Dr. Harder explains in his sermon, “God, I will go,” the secret to having a New Testament kind of life is saying just that, “God, I will go." By doing this, you put your yes on the table for God and make yourself available to be used by God to impact people's lives with the good news of Jesus.

  • Testing The Blessing

    19/11/2023 Duração: 31min

    In his sermon “Testing the Blessing,” Dr. Harder reminds us we often take God's blessings and provision for granted. Just like how we get bored with amazing technology like iPhones, we can get bored with God's goodness and stop being grateful. The main point is gratitude - being continually thankful for God's salvation through Christ, even if we've been Christians a long time. Avoiding boredom with the gospel and rediscovering wonder at God's grace.

  • Studying For The Final (Guest: Dr. Mike Glenn)

    12/11/2023 Duração: 32min

    In his sermon, Dr. Mike Glenn discusses Jesus' response when asked which commandment is most important - to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Glenn explains that truly loving God means desiring Him above all else, loving others requires receiving His outpoured love so it overflows to them, and loving yourself recognizes Christ's sacrifice proves your immense worth. Glenn challenges listeners not to delay living God's way and risk failing the final exam of life.

  • From Chains To Chosen

    05/11/2023 Duração: 30min

    In his sermon "From Chains to Chosen," Dr. Mike Harder discusses the story in Exodus where God miraculously parts the Red Sea for the Israelites to escape the pursuing Egyptian army. Harder explains that despite seeing God perform miracles in Egypt, the Israelites quickly lost faith when faced with danger. Harder says we often do the same, forgetting God's past faithfulness when difficulties arise. Ultimately, through this miracle and adopting the Israelites as His children, God wanted to transform their identity from slaves to chosen sons and daughters. Likewise, though we were slaves to sin, through Christ we are adopted into God's family. We must leave behind the chains of sin and trust our perfect heavenly Father.

  • Plague And Passover

    29/10/2023 Duração: 29min

    In his sermon, Dr. Harder explains that in Exodus, God sent plagues on Egypt to free the Israelites from slavery and reveal that He alone is the one true God. The tenth and final plague was the death of all firstborn sons, but God provided a way of escape - placing lamb's blood on their doorposts so the angel of death would "pass over" them. Dr. Harder connects this to the gospel, explaining that like the Passover lamb, Jesus' blood saves us from God's judgment and wrath. Just as the Israelites had to follow God's instructions to avoid the plague, we must follow God's instructions to find forgiveness and life through trusting in Christ's sacrifice on our behalf.

  • Receiving Restoration (Guest: Rev. Samuel Phipps)

    22/10/2023 Duração: 31min

    In this sermon on "Receiving Redemption," Rev. Samuel Phipps explores how God restores and reconciles people to himself through the story of David's sin and repentance in 2 Samuel 12. He explains that restoration begins when God, through the prophet Nathan, rebukes David's sin, bringing conviction and understanding. For restoration to happen, repentance is required, which David models by immediately confessing. Finally, restoration leads to reconciliation, as evidenced by David worshipping God even after facing consequences. The key point is that God desires to restore our relationship with him daily, but we must be quick to repent of our sins so we can receive his reconciliation and restoration.

  • The Judgment of Pharoah

    15/10/2023 Duração: 38min

    Dr. Mike Harder starts his sermon with a brief acknowledgment of gratitude for prayers during the conflict in Israel and his father's safety, both while in country and in his ability to get the last ticket on the last flight out of Tel Aviv. He then delves deeply into the spiritual teachings from the book of Exodus, focusing on chapter 7, which narrates the initial confrontations between Moses, Aaron, and Pharaoh. Dr. Harder explores the significance of God's power and sovereignty as displayed through the signs and wonders in Egypt. Drawing parallels from personal experiences, he recounts watching the movie "Rudy" with his family, using it as an allegory for perseverance and faith. He emphasizes the importance of not letting life's challenges harden one's heart and encourages listeners to remain receptive to God's word and guidance.

  • God Wants You On His Team

    08/10/2023 Duração: 33min

    In the sermon "God Wants You On His Team" by Dr. Mike Harder, the focus is on the biblical story of Moses and his journey with God as depicted in the book of Exodus. Dr. Harder emphasizes the importance of actively participating in God's plan rather than merely observing. He draws parallels between the excitement of playing football and the fulfillment of being an active participant in God's mission. The sermon delves into Moses's hesitations and the questions he had about the message, the messenger, and the mission itself. Dr. Harder highlights the signs God provided to Moses, such as the transformation of a staff into a snake and the healing of a leprous hand, as demonstrations of His power. However, he also underscores that while signs can be awe-inspiring, they don't necessarily change hearts. True belief and commitment come from a deeper understanding and relationship with God. The sermon encourages listeners to move from being mere spectators to active participants in God's redemptive story, emphasizing

  • The Burning Bush

    01/10/2023 Duração: 36min

    The sermon "The Burning Bush" by Dr. Mike Harder, from the First Baptist Spartanburg podcast, delves into the transformative encounter between Moses and God, as depicted in Exodus 3. Dr. Harder draws parallels between Moses’ curiosity towards the burning bush and personal instances where individuals feel compelled to stop and investigate unusual occurrences, using a personal anecdote about discovering a cemetery with his family name. The sermon elucidates Moses’ life journey, from his upbringing in Pharaoh’s palace and among his Hebrew kin, to his exile in the desert where he marries and becomes a shepherd. It is in the desert that Moses witnesses a bush ablaze but not consumed, leading him to a divine encounter where God reveals His holiness, a concept unknown until then, and instructs Moses to treat the ground as holy. Dr. Harder expounds on the concept of holiness as being set apart and emphasizes its significance in understanding God’s nature. The sermon, thus, explores profound themes of divine encounter

  • The Road To Redemption

    24/09/2023 Duração: 30min

    The sermon "Road to Redemption" by Dr. Mike Harder explores themes of loss, redemption, and divine providence, drawing parallels between everyday experiences and biblical narratives. Dr. Harder begins by sharing a personal anecdote about losing his debit card, using it as a metaphor for how people often feel forgotten by God, feeling that He has more interesting things to attend to. The sermon then delves into the book of Exodus, focusing on the story of Moses, illustrating how the Israelites felt abandoned and enslaved but were ultimately not forgotten by God. Dr. Harder emphasizes that, like Moses and the Israelites, individuals today may feel overlooked or forsaken, but God never forgets His promises and has a plan for redemption for everyone, reinforcing the belief in divine presence and intervention in human lives.

  • Confidence Over Compromise (Guest: Rev. Samuel Phipps)

    17/09/2023 Duração: 32min

    The sermon "Confidence over Compromise" focuses on the importance of finding confidence in the Lord to avoid compromising one's faith. The sermon draws parallels between the biblical story of Daniel and the challenges faced by believers today. It emphasizes that, like Daniel, modern-day Christians often find themselves in situations where it's easy to compromise their faith. The key takeaway is that if one doesn't want to compromise their faith, they must find their confidence in the Lord. The sermon uses the story of Daniel to illustrate this point, highlighting how Daniel's faith was tested when he was taken to Babylon. Despite the pressures and temptations, Daniel remained steadfast, showing that confidence in the Lord can help one stand firm in their faith.

  • Fear Man... or Fear God?

    11/09/2023 Duração: 31min

    The sermon "Fear Man...or Fear God?" by Dr. Mike Harder at First Baptist Spartanburg focuses on the theme of fear and how it shapes human behavior, particularly in the context of faith. The sermon begins with an introduction where Dr. Harder talks about the exciting things happening at First Baptist, including baptisms and people coming back to faith. The main text for the sermon is from the book of Exodus, specifically starting from Exodus chapter 1, verse 8. Dr. Harder delves into the story of the Israelites in Egypt, where a new Pharaoh comes to power who does not know Joseph, the Israelite who had previously saved Egypt from famine. This new Pharaoh fears the growing population of Israelites and enslaves them. Despite the oppression, the Israelites continue to multiply, which leads Pharaoh to order the killing of all newborn Israelite boys. Dr. Harder explains that the book of Exodus is not just about the Israelites escaping oppression but is fundamentally about God's redemptive plan. He emphasizes that

  • God Pursues Prodigals

    03/09/2023 Duração: 33min

    The sermon "God Pursues Prodigals" by Dr. Mike Harder at First Baptist Spartanburg delves into the story of Jonah and its parallel to the New Testament story of the Prodigal Son. Dr. Harder emphasizes that the story of Jonah is not just about a man and a fish but about God's relentless pursuit of people who are far from Him. Jonah, like the Prodigal Son, runs away from God's calling and is angry when God shows grace to the people of Nineveh. Dr. Harder argues that Jonah embodies both the younger and older sons from the Prodigal Son story, illustrating how God pursues us whether we are running away from Him or are distant while staying put. The sermon concludes with the idea that God uses various means, like the fish, the plant, and the worm in Jonah's story, to bring people back to Him.

  • God is a God of Second Chances

    27/08/2023 Duração: 29min

    In the sermon, Dr. Mike Harder emphasizes the idea that God is a God of second chances, drawing upon biblical texts like Psalm 103 and the story of Jonah. He argues that God's character is one of compassion, grace, and abounding love, always willing to give people another chance to turn their lives around. Dr. Harder challenges the congregation to seize their second chances, whether it's in their personal lives, in their relationship with God, or in their community. He warns against becoming "church connoisseurs," who are more focused on critiquing than experiencing God. The sermon encourages people to embrace the opportunities for repentance and grace that God continually offers.

  • The Depths of Despair

    20/08/2023 Duração: 29min

    The Depths of Despair

  • Voices All Around

    13/08/2023 Duração: 31min

    Our pastor, Dr. Mike Harder, continues his new series from Jonah - HEARING GOD. Today's title is VOICES ALL AROUND. Remember we are here for prayer anytime- text back or call 877-443-2273!

  • Hearing God

    06/08/2023 Duração: 31min

    Today our Pastor, Dr. Mike Harder, begins his ministry here at First Spartanburg with a series from the book of Jonah on HEARING GOD! We begin with Jonah 1:1-5, Hearing God begins with Listening to God. Remember we are available for prayer anytime talk or text 877-443-2273

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