Port City Community Church - Audio Podcast



Port City Community Church's mission is to Reach People and Help Them Walk with God. This podcast includes audio messages from Senior Pastor Mike Ashcraft and others. You can visit PC3 online at www.portcitychurch.org/messages for additional content. (New messages are generally available on Monday evenings)


  • Student Ministry Podcast Episode 003


    In episode 003 of the Port City Students Podcast we interview senior Kelsey McCrary and we learn a little about her, how she is navigating this season as a senior, and how she is staying grounded in her faith. We also hear from Geoff Banks, Brett Eddy and Kerry Fitzgerald and get some great encouragement from them too. Enjoy listening? Share the podcast with your friends and leave us a great review!

  • Episode 008: Anxiety


    A lot has happened in the world since our last podcast! With the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a lot of uncertainty in our world right now... and with uncertainty comes ANXIETY. So what do we do about it? Let's be honest, "just don't worry" might be good-intentioned advice, but it doesn't stop the chaos in our minds. On this week's episode of Overflow Unplugged, we discuss how we can respond to anxiety and, even in the unknown, we can find rest in a God who promises PEACE. Make sure to listen through the end for a special treat!

  • Hope In The Dark: Part Two

    29/03/2020 Duração: 27min

    When things get hard, our first response is to assume something is wrong. Difficult things aren’t necessarily bad, just difficult. If we remain patient and engaged, then struggle, hardship and difficulty can become fertile soil that births joy. Obedience is our willingness to embrace the hard things for the sake of what God wants to do in us. We must be willing to remain in the hard because that’s where God is and where the work on our hearts occurs. Hope, like love, isn’t carefree and aloof, but gritty and determined. It’s not wishful thinking, but a conquering force. Hope is fuel for spiritual endurance.

  • Student Ministry Podcsat Episode 002


    Episode 002 features Geoff Banks, Courtney Everett, and 7th grader Kenzi Woest. Kenzi goes to Topsail Middle School and has a lot of great things to say about living your faith through our current times. Geoff and Courtney tell some funny stories too. Share with your friends!

  • Parent Network Podcast 48


    In Episode 48 we have a few great conversations about parenting through the coronavirus including an interview with Evans and Natalie Baggs. Sass, Rich Biagini, and Brett Eddy also talk about what our church is offering for kids, students, and parents in this season.

  • Hope In The Dark: Part One

    22/03/2020 Duração: 26min

    Overwhelmed and disheartened, life can feel as if darkness surrounds us. Yet this same ground, this darkness of night, is where faith finds its real strength. It's in our darkest moments where His light has the potential to shine the brightest, but it requires us to remain in Him. He illuminates our path enough for us to trust and take our next step. We demonstrate hope when we continue in faith. Displaying spiritual endurance is possible when we possess a relentless trust that God uses everything, even the darkness, for our good. We give our struggles the proper weight for the sake of what's to come. Hope is what sustains this process and provides us the strength to not give in or give up. Hope looks like patience.

  • Student Ministry Podcast Episode 001


    In the first episode of the Port City Student Ministry Podcast Geoff Banks, Chris Sasser (a.k.a. "Sass") and Jonny Morales share about what the podcast will be all about, we chat about what's currently going on in the world, and we hear about how people are navigating it all

  • Being Human: Part Five

    15/03/2020 Duração: 54min

    God is always working, even when we can't see it. He didn't promise the elimination of our struggle, but His presence through it. Even though struggle and suffering are part of the human experience, they do not get the last word nor the authority to define us. God enters into the darkness and chaos—it becomes His canvas, and He paints a different picture. The promise of redemption is the reality that God uses everything and that nothing is wasted. The beauty of being human lies in our capacity to trust. Faith thrives amid uncertainty. His power begins at the end of our own, and it's His strength that is made perfect in our weakness.

  • Parent Network Podcast 47


    In episode 47 Sass talks to Lead Pastor Mike Ashcraft about our world's current situation with COVID-19, our church's response, and how we as parents can lead our families through times such as these. Share this with a friend!

  • Being Human: Part Four

    08/03/2020 Duração: 45min

    When dissatisfaction sets in, temptation rises. We escape to mindless entertainment and idle chatter. We move from one chronic distraction to another. Keeping ourselves busy enables us to avoid addressing issues of the heart. We depend on ourselves to get us through our days at the expense of relying on God. And as a result, we stop short of rest, fail to see our purpose, and we miss out on the life God intended. Rest for our soul is a function of trust. By hitting pause and engaging in quiet reflection, we're declaring that there is only one God, and we are not Him. Rest isn't about recovery, but preparation. God calls us to long obedience in the same direction, and that requires us to prepare for the journey ahead. Freeing ourselves to rest makes us available to give. A well-watered garden produces fruit. What comes out of us is intended to nourish other people.

  • Episode 007: Brokenness - Broken Crayons Still Color


    In a world of Instagram filters and social media highlight reels, it's easy to share the good and exciting things going on in our lives. But it makes it really difficult to talk about our brokenness- even to God! Unfortunately, we often believe that brokenness holds us back from who God wants us to be. But brokenness isn’t the problem- hiding is. In a world that says you have to be perfect to be used, God says he will work in and through you right in the middle of your mess. It’s when you are ready to be real and brave about your brokenness that God can use you the most effectively! In this week's episode of Overflow Unplugged, we talk about owning our mess and finding God's strength in us- no matter the season. And our guest on the podcast, Toni Collier, keeps it real AND hilarious the entire time. We hope you enjoy!

  • Being Human: Part Three

    01/03/2020 Duração: 37min

    We're made to WOW, and we're made to PLEASE. But, our joy becomes a casualty when we think of sacrifice as the grind and merely doing our duty. God promises us a joy and delight that possesses the power to run underneath our circumstances. God is seen as beautiful, sufficient, and satisfying when we want nothing else. He is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. His glory gets revealed in our delight. We discover His will by offering our lives. The journey begins at the end of ourselves.

  • Episode 006: Spending Time With God


    If you have been following Jesus for a while, you have probably heard the term "quiet time" used a lot in Christian circles. While the name is vague, the implications are important and foundational for building a thriving relationship with God. Check out today's episode of Overflow Unplugged as we help break down unnecessary stereotypes of a "quiet time" and focus on 3 simple building blocks to spending time with God.

  • Episode 005: Building Friendships That Last


    Research has proven that building deep meaningful friendships not only makes life more fulfilling and enjoyable, but it also contributes to you living longer! The problem is that building lasting friendships takes a lot of work... and we don't always know where to start. Check out today's episode of Overflow Unplugged as we discuss choosing, forging, and keeping meaningful friendships.

  • Parent Network Podcast 46


    In Episode 46 our friend Kyle VanZandt shares great insight from several perspectives. Kyle and his wife Lorin are the parents of two daughters, and Kyle served for several years in the student ministry at PC3. Kyle gives us some great parenting ideas and wisdom that will help you with your kids. Make sure to like and share this episode and any episodes that help you as a parent.

  • Episode 004: Intimacy & Boundaries in Relationships


    Building relationships requires intimacy... but we’re not (just) talking about physical intimacy. Good relationships require growth over time in mental, emotional, and spiritual intimacy as well. The tricky part is discovering and establishing helpful boundaries that allow your relationships to grow at a healthy pace. In today’s episode, we offer up some intentional questions that you can ask yourself to allow your friendships and dating relationships to thrive!

  • Parent Network Podcast 45


    As we head into Daddy-Daughter Dance week, we decided to get some wisdom from a dad of daughters. In episode 45 we hear from Taylor Swander about a few things you can do as the dad of daughters to build and keep a deeper connection. Taylor has some great ideas as a dad as well as insight from what he sees in his role in student ministry at PC3. Share this episode with any dad you know with daughters!

  • Fear & Love: Part Five

    02/02/2020 Duração: 38min

    What we keep concealed, we keep from being healed. Remaining in condemnation is the place where our lives feel forced. It's impossible to live by the truth when we allow ourselves to continue to be governed by lies. Fear is the lie that worth and value are earned and that our efforts serve as proof of our worthiness. This leads us to either conceal or showcase. On the other hand, the way of love is to receive. In Christ, we are fully known and fully accepted. Remaining in God's love is the place from which our lives flow. To live in love is to withhold nothing. Life with God is where we are perfected in love.

  • Episode 003: Still Waiting - God's Purpose In "Singleness"


    For a lot of people, the relationship status "single" can feel like an unwanted label or a frustrating reminder. This has a lot to do with the messages we receive from culture and social media. But the truth is, Americans are getting married later than ever before, resulting in the largest population of "singles" in our country's history! So what does God want us to do in this stage of life before getting married? Today's episode will give you helpful perspective and purpose in this season regardless of if you have not yet dated or if you are engaged and looking ahead to marriage!

  • Episode 002: The Foundation of Dating


    The problem with dating is that dating has to start somewhere. It doesn’t just happen. And let’s just be real- that comes with a certain amount of pressure. The pressure to impress and, if you’re watching the Bachelor every week, then pressure to compete and to win. But what if there was a better way, a higher way to think about dating? What does God say about dating and what does that mean for how we date? And where do we start? Check this week's episode for some very practical help and thoughts on the foundation of dating.

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