Self Care With Gracy



Transform your health, work and life through simple self care practices.


  • Unpacking "The Dream" with Healing Activist Richael Faithful

    09/11/2018 Duração: 01h02min

    Do you feel like you're working really hard to live "the dream" (and, despite all your hard work, it's still not happening?). You're definitely not alone.     Inspired by "The Dream," a fascinating investigative series podcast that exposes the corruption within multi-level marketing businesses (everything from DoTerra to Rodan + Fields), I invited DC-based healing activist Richael Faithful (pronouns they/theirs/them) to explore how "the dream" sets us up to feel like failures in everything form our work and to our spiritual lives.     Richael, sharing from their years of activist work and shamanic studies, offers a new vision of a collective dream. This tangible reality is steeped in spiritual practice and social justice, and can be attained by us all today. Listen to learn more!   Discover more about Richael's work, visit their: Website   Facebook Instagram 

  • How to Change Your Mindset with Health Coach Gretchen Gegg


    Everything we do in our lives is affected by our mindset. And yet, learning how to change our own attitudes and beliefs is rarely ever talked about!   Health coach Gretchen Gegg was struggling in early motherhood until she learned the power of observing her own mind.    Not only did she learn to change her mindset, but she has dedicated herself to helping other people do the same.    In our conversation, Gretchen shares her story and the many ways it applies to living a life of self-care.    To learn more about Gretchen's work, visit her website and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

  • Self-Care Untruth #3: You Have to Do Your Self-Care Alone


    This week, I'm finishing up my series on debunking the self-care untruths that keep us from: 1) practicing authentic self-care in our lives; and 2) using this self-care to help fix the broken parts of our world.  In this episode, I discuss why authentic self-care must be practiced within a supportive community, and how letting others into our self-care can disrupt our toxic addiction to individualism. Plus, sign up is now open for the Beautiful Life Collective (but it closes September 30th)! Go to to learn more.

  • Self-Care Untruth #2: Your Self-Care Should Always Feel Good


    Over the next few weeks, I'm breaking down the self-care untruths that keep us from: 1) practicing authentic self-care in our lives, and 2) using this self-care to help fix the broken parts of our world.  In this episode, I discuss why authentic self-care may feel uncomfortable in the moment, but will always lead to you feeling more powerful in your life.  Want to know more about this kind of self-care leadership? Sign up for my free webinar "Turning Your Self-Care into Visionary Leadership" on September 24 from 3-4pm EST!

  • Self-Care Untruth #1: You Don't Need to Fix Yourself to Fix the World


    Over the next few weeks, I'm breaking down the self-care untruths that keep us from, 1) practicing authentic self-care in our lives, and 2) using this self-care to help fix the broken parts of our world.  In this episode, I share the essential difference between self-care and self-improvement (learn why you aren't needy!), and how to transform your self-care into the visionary leadership necessary to create an anti-racist society.  Sign up for my free webinar "Turning Your Self-Care into Visionary Leadership" on September 24 from 3-4pm EST!  

  • Self-Care for Having Conversations About Racism with Reba Thomas and Elsa Duré


    Can you imagine having a conversation about racism that is both challenging and enjoyable?  Do you think there is a place for love when diving into such difficult topics?  Listen to this podcast with my self-care co-facilitators Elsa Duré and Reba Thomas, and learn how a group of women from our community went through a powerful conversation series about racism (Note, we have a few tech issues in the podcast, but please keep going with it - it's just such a rich conversation!). Then, check out the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement for Beautiful Life Self-Care (this was inspired by a transformational course I took with the brilliant Adaway Group).  This focus on anti-racism is part of my continuing effort to recreate Beautiful Life Self Care as a business that inspires and protects the self-care of all people.  Are you interested in this work? Sign up for the waiting list for the Beautiful Life Collective, my upcoming membership program that will help us find the balance between caring for ourselve

  • Morning Routines That Work with My Morning Routine Blog Co-Creater Benjamin Spall


    After a big pause (geez, moving is hard!), I am back with a new podcast on morning routines!  I recorded this podcast back in May with My Morning Routine co-creater Benjamin Spall, right before the launch of the blog's amazing My Morning Routine book. As you might know by now, I am a big believer in the power of self-care morning routines and love learning how other people begin their days. In this podcast (and their awesome book), Benjamin shares the morning routines of some the most creative and effective people in our world today. Listen and get inspired to create your own dynamic morning routine!

  • How Feminism and Making Money Go Together with Feminist Business Maven Stephanie Newman


    Are you sacrificing your feminist values for a stable paycheck? Do you want to take more socially-conscious risks in your career but feel afraid? Stephanie Newman shows women how to create real businesses that align with their deeper feminist values while making good money. During our conversation, we speak about the myth of "needing" to stay at your office job, how feminist values can create a viable business, and the stories of our grandmothers (and how they influence our current ventures). Listen and learn how to bring more feminism into your career - the world really needs it! Most recently, Stephanie launched an online course that teaches socially conscious women how to launch their businesses. You can find it at

  • Standing Up For a Change with Congressional Candidate Laura Moser


    Laura Moser is a mother, journalist, author, and she is running for Congress in Texas's 7th district. She represents a new phase of American politics - one where compassionate citizens step forward to make a difference. Listen to our conversation to learn why Laura's decided to run (it happened right after she took my Self Care 101 program!), how she handles the constant criticism that comes with putting herself out there, and the simple ways she practices self-care on the campaign trail. Please donate to Laura's campaign (she needs every bit of help to win the runoff on May 22nd):

  • A Conversation with my Baby Daddy: Self-Care for Dating, Getting Knocked Up and Becoming Parents


    My partner Micah and I decided to do something a little risky: talk about our relationship for the podcast. We discuss our first date, the day I told him I was pregnant and how we practice self-care as new parents. It’s a little personal and a little awkward - just the two of us having a conversation. Also, I’ve upgraded to better sound quality. I hope you enjoy!

  • Self Care 2.0: How To Unstick Your Life Using Self-Care

    12/03/2018 Duração: 05min

    I'm so happy to announce the Self-Care 2.0 FREE virtual workshop on Saturday, March 23 from 3-4pm EST.     During this highly-interactive workshop we'll go beyond the basic recommendations of eating a good breakfast and exercising three times a week.  You already know that stuff, right?   Instead, we'll learn the real, nitty-gritty self-care that can move your life forward in the most powerful and wonderful ways.   Together, we’ll learn: The biggest misconception about self-care (and how it’s keeping you stuck) The three self-care practices that will move your life forward The super easy way to make sure you’re getting enough self-care, every single day Truly, this is the self-care that's taken me decades to learn and, once I did, it completely transformed my life.  I'm really looking forward to breaking it all down so it can be much easier for you and so you can even have fun in the process! Sign up for the workshop HERE.

  • A Heartstorm to Feel Beautiful with Skincare Guru Jingo Lewis


    If you're having a low moment, listen to this podcast! In it, I "heartstorm" with Jingo Lewis, the creator of the super natural and yummy Neitra skincare line. We talk about how our culture leads us astray in our pursuit of looking good and the incredibly simple ways to reconnect to our natural beauty, starting with our skin and moving to every aspect of our being. In full honesty, I started this conversation in a bit of a funk and Jingo's spirit lifted me right up. I know it will for you too! To learn more about Jingo and order the wonderful products from Neitra, visit their website: Remember, if you use the code "gracy," you will receive 20% off your order! (Make sure to get a natural Deo - they are really good!)

  • Tapping into Your Intuition with Healer Damla Aktekin


    Just like anything, accessing the intuition is an essential part of self-care. However, in this right-brained moment of technology and logic, how do we learn to listen in? Damla Aktekin is a healer who helps people learn to do exactly this and as a result, find a different kind of harmony in their lives. In our conversation, we speak about crystals, chakras, and yoga and how they can be of practical benefit to all of us. Also, we dive into the hardships and gifts of motherhood, and how to source the deeper energy necessary to parent mindfully.    To learn more about Damla's work, please visit:

  • How Self-Care Creates Authenticity: Testimonial from Rebecca H.


    Rebecca had been dabbling in self-care for a while before joining Self Care 101. Working on her self-care habits in a more concentrated way not only helped her feel healthier in her body, but also opened the door to a whole new level of authenticity in her work and relationships. Listen to our conversation and learn how Rebecca used her daily habits to get honest about her deeper needs and desires. Be inspired to discover your own truth and use self-care to start sharing it with the world!

  • A Deeper Meaning of Self Care: Testimonial from Arielle M.


    Arielle, who was in my pilot group for Self Care 101, was one of the first ladies who showed me the incredible connection between self-care and self-love. Listen to the journey of this yoga teacher and working mother and learn her gentle + curious approach to caring for herself and her family. I was buzzing from inspiration after we finished our conversation! This is part of the ongoing series on self-love and self-care I’m hosting this fall. Listen and learn how to use self-care to stop looking everywhere for love (because you’ve finally found it in yourself).

  • Achieving Your Big Dreams Through Self-Care: A Testimonial From Erin B.


    Years ago, my good friend Erin B. signed up for Self Care 101 to help her achieve a very big life dream. Years later she made it a reality (yay!), although the path to her goal had way more ups and downs than she could even imagine. Learn more about her dream, how she made it happen in the midst of big life challenges and the self-care skills that helped her along the way. 

  • The Connection Between Self-Care And Self-Love


    When I first created my self-care programs, I was still operating from perfectionism and thus suffering inside. Then my clients taught me the real definition of self-care: self-love. In this podcast, I explain how my clients breakthroughs changed my perspective on real self-care. Plus, I reveal the upcoming fall series of self-love podcasts with interviews from those very clients!

  • Unlocking Stuck Patterns with Astrologist James Moran


    Sure, we can read our daily horoscopes in the newspaper, but how else can astrology help us in our self-care?  In this conversation with astrologist and artist James Moran, he explains how learning astrology helped him find his real purpose.  Now he uses that purpose to help his clients gain the self-awareness they need to break through stuck patterns.    We chat about our how the bigness of the stars relates to our daily lives, the importance of our Saturn returning (watch out those around 28 years old!), and how to finally answer the question: why does this keep happening to me?     To learn more about James's work, check out at his website and follow him on:   Facebook: Instagram: Tumblr: Twitter: Youtube:

  • How to Care for the Caregiver with Caregiving Consultant Elizabeth Miller


    So many of us out there are struggling under the weight of caregiving for children, parents or both children and parents (hello sandwich generation!).  In this conversation with Certified Caregiving Consultant Elizabeth Miller, we delve into why caregiving is so hard and how utilizing self-care can help even the most over-extended caregiver find real relief.    Elizabeth and I both share our real life experiences of caring for sick and dying parents, and the ways we worked through our exhaustion, social isolation and the feelings of selfishness that arise when caregiving feels like too much.  We talk about how to let yourself be an imperfect caregiver, the new habits caregivers must adopt and the ways to find support from others who know what you've been through.   Enjoy and share this important conversation so we can all learn how to use self-care to more effectively show up for each other during the inevitable hard moments of life.    For more on Elizabeth's work, please check out:  Site: http://happyhealt

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