Old Dad



Walter bashes Sarbanes Oxley. Now podcasts and blogging make news directors and program directors obsolete. Everyone is now an anchorman


  • OLD DAD stories

    06/10/2017 Duração: 25min

    The hell of the Apple Orchard and pumpkin patch. My daughter has to take a breathalyzer to get into a SCHOOL DANCE?! Interview with the 14 year old. Silicon valley people don't have sex. Neither do radio people.


    16/07/2017 Duração: 25min

    Walter explains why Sarbanes Oxley is the worst law in history. It FORCED the creation of Podcasts and online Vlogers. Why do we need Editors and News Directors? We don't. Now you and I can distribute stories around the world for FREE without any fact checking. BUT says Walter, it has always been fake news. Always.


    01/07/2017 Duração: 18min

    Co-star today 5 year old explains the meaning of poopy-head. Samantha.

  • OLD DAD By Walter Sterling

    16/06/2017 Duração: 29min

    FATHER'S DAY. EPISODE 1 I am the oldest dad in 3 schools. I have a 5, 11 and 14 year old, all girls. My life is a nightmare. BUT being the oldest dad sure gives me a unique perspective on what's important and what's not. Not much! This episode features the 11 year old explaining how OLD DADs are different than not old dads.