Oxford Vineyard Church



A Vineyard Church in Oxford for the Oxford area planted in April '92. Love God - Love People - Love Life.


  • Growing in Stature

    11/12/2023 Duração: 19min

    The Bible tells us that Jesus had to grow in many ways - what did that look like? Andrew looks at the human aspects of Jesus’ character & the challenges he faced, so that we can realise how much he really understands us and what we go through.

  • The Normal Spiritual Life

    27/11/2023 Duração: 25min

    Andrew looks at how to open the taps to receive more of God's blessing in our lives

  • Guaranteed - rock solid

    24/10/2023 Duração: 17min

    Andrew reminds us that the most important thing to remember is the rock solid, timeless and unlimited guarantee God has given us. We are his children & nothing can change that. He loves us, & nothing can change that.

  • Key Passages - Discipleship

    08/09/2023 Duração: 18min

    Andrew looks at what the bible says about discipleship leading up to our Habits of a Multiplying Disciple training started this month.

  • Dealing with Disagreement - Jesus' way

    14/08/2023 Duração: 29min

    What does the Bible have to say about how to deal with problems? Jesus’ teaching is especially relevant in today’s culture of accusation and relational dysfunction.

  • Winning Spiritual Battles - Get ready for war

    25/05/2023 Duração: 36min

    This war is real - there is a spiritual battle which affects us every day. In this talk, the first of a series on Spiritual Warfare, Andrew encourages us to know our enemy and extend the Kingdom of God by proclaiming the good news. This talk is from 2017.

  • Heaven's War - Revealed

    25/05/2023 Duração: 23min

    We are in the middle of a spiritual battle – it rages in the heavenly realms & is seen here on earth. Satan is defeated & his power is broken, but he fights on, & we are caught in the crossfire – more than that, we are the targets of his attack. But Jesus is supreme over all. He is king of kings & lord of lords. There is no one like him; no one approaching him for wisdom, power, & glory; or love, mercy & compassion. Jesus is with us and for us in the battle we face.

  • Surrender

    13/04/2023 Duração: 20min

    Andrew talks about what it looks like to surrender to Jesus.

  • Guy Prichard - Grace

    13/04/2023 Duração: 21min

    Listen as our visiting speak Guy, Senior Pastor of Farnham Vineyard shares on grace.

  • What does a Disiciple look like?

    27/02/2023 Duração: 19min

    What does a true disciple look like? Andrew talks about how surrendering to God leads to a real change in our inner word, and makes us more like Jesus.

  • Living in The Light

    30/01/2023 Duração: 20min

    How does Jesus want my life to look, & how do I need to be different in my thinking, beliefs and emotional responses? Andrew looks at these questions using the bible as a guide.

  • Good News

    19/12/2022 Duração: 18min

    Good news for all nations - what does that look like?

  • Ready for Anything

    29/11/2022 Duração: 17min

    When the storms of life hit, are you ready? Andrew looks at how to be ready for anything that might be thrown at us. When the storm hits, it’s too late to prepare.

  • Identity - how are you shaped

    26/10/2022 Duração: 19min

    Our experiences through life affect what we believe and how we see ourselves. God is inviting us to enter into our true identity, free from the things that cause us to believe we are less than who God says we are.

  • Facing Our Fears

    13/09/2022 Duração: 17min

    Andrew looks at some of the common fears that face us every day, and what the Bible has to say about overcoming them.

  • Trust

    11/07/2022 Duração: 24min

    Ellie talks about how God's goodness and his work in our lives encourages us to live a live of faith and trust. How we need to have an encounter with his love which is the foundation for our lives.

  • Spiritual Gifts and You!

    05/05/2022 Duração: 21min

    Andrew talks about spiritual gifts and how these are given through the power of the Holy Spirit, and are beyond our natural abilities. They are all available to all of us, all the time – we can be open to the H Spirit & see which one he wants to use at a particular time.

  • God's Kingdom is spreading

    06/10/2021 Duração: 17min

    Andrew talks to us about the spread of God's Kingdom where we are, at our monthly Worship Gathering.

  • God On Self - Isolation

    07/04/2020 Duração: 19min

    Andrew looks at King David and how he coped during his time of self isolation. What lessons can we learn from him? We take a look at Psalm 142, a passionate and emotional psalm written about David's time in a cave.

  • Love

    20/03/2020 Duração: 23min

    Marc James tells his story and encourages us that as God is love we can trust him with our lives.

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