Podcast Beth Jones, International Speaker & Amazon Best Seller Author



Equipping women to use their gifts for God, doing what they love.


  • Interview with Ray Jones on spiritual warfare


    What is spiritual warfare? What are “the weapons of our warfare” that the Bible speaks about? Why do you need the armor of God? These questions and more are answered in Beth Jones’ interview of her husband, Ray Jones, who

  • Sowing Your Good Seed


    As a parent, writer, speaker, coach, business owner, are you faithfully sowing the good seed God has given you? God has put a beautiful treasure chest of gifts and His word inside of your heart that He wants you to

  • Sarah’s laughter: Moving from your pain to your purpose


    Are you hurting emotionally, in a lot of pain?  Do you feel empty and alone? Do you feel that you simply can’t get past what is hurting you? Are you beginning to doubt God’s promises? You’re in good ranks. Abraham

  • When storms come: how Satan uses storms to destroy your purpose


    Yesterday, today and this week, severe thunderstorms are predicted for the mid-west and other states, with lightning, hail, high winds, and the possibility of tornadoes. Storms can be deadly, as the Tri-State Tornado was in March 1925, the worst tornado

  • 3 Strategies to Accelerate Your Growth


    Would you like to be on the fast-track in growth in your intimacy with God, in your life’s relationships, and in your business? Join Beth Jones today for her podcast, 3 Strategies To Accelerate Your Growth in Christ, in Life’s

  • A Hannah Heart: Victory On Your Knees


    Is there something you’ve been praying about a long time with no answer yet? Are you facing a problem and don’t know what to do or where to go?  Is satan taunting you that God doesn’t hear your prayers anyway?  Hannah

  • Let nothing be wasted; maximizing your life’s potential


    Have you heard the story of a man who inherited $10 million from his father’s company, put it in a briefcase, booked a cruise to Alaska, and began dumping the bills overboard into the deep, cold waters as they were traveling? 

  • Whatever you have said, Lord


    This week we’re celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus. As I was reflecting on the Christmas story this morning, the response of Mary, the mother of Jesus, amazed me. I believe when Gabriel appeared to Mary to give her

  • The Last Song podcast


    The Last Song is a new movie starring Miley Cyrus, Liam Hemsworth, Greg Kinnear, and Bobby Coleman about a rebellious teen girl and her father reconnecting after her parents’ divorce through their mutual piano music gift.  I felt the movie

  • Tips for holiday anxiety and stress


    Are the holidays stress instead of bliss for you?  Do you feel anxiety and stress at holidays, and at other times? I used to have anxiety attacks and and many years ago, God healed me of them.  In this podcast,

  • Your flight leaves in 5 minutes


    Several years ago I was a flight attendant for a company that owned small jets servicing a major airline. Imagine that you are a passenger 10 gates away from your gate, when you hear over the intercom, “Your flight leaves