Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 219:57:37
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We chase the secrets to success to help you develop the Spartan Mindset.Spartan Race founder & CEO and best-selling author Joe De Sena travels the globe seeking the secrets to success from authors, academics, athletes, adventurers, CEOs and thought leaders. This will shift your thinking, make you laugh and give you the tools you need. Hes on a mission to find success in all aspects of life. Not only does Joe interview epic people, he has brought together an amazing panel to break down and analyze every aspect of these interviews. We give you the ultimate blueprint and action steps to assimilating these powerful conversations into your own life.
Wrestling will change your life with Coach Mike Palazzo / COMBAT
13/02/2021 Duração: 38min“Wrestling will change your life,” says head wrestling coach Mike Palazzo, who has created a wrestling dynasty at Lake Highland Prep (Florida). SpartanUp Combat Series host Ryan Warner and Joe De Sena interview Mike to learn how - within 10 years - he took a program on the brink of oblivion and turned Lake Highland Prep High School into a national powerhouse. In this episode you’ll learn... -How wrestling is a vetting process for life -To set goals - big goals - and develop a process to get there -Understand that there are levels of greatness and know what it truly means to be the best in the country -Run to the fire (Lake Highland Prep’s schedule is one of the toughest in the country) -The correlation between wrestlers and OCR racers Connect with Coach Palazzo: -Central Florida Wrestling Academy SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Better Help. Save 10% on your first month by going to BetterHelp.Com/Spartan. SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: http
Learning from Failures with Inventor Pete Holman / DEKA
11/02/2021 Duração: 19min“I just can’t see investing in a business where the product is a stick with a cord,” an investor told Pete Holman. Today, that stick with a cord is sold across the globe and is known as the TRX Rip Trainer. SpartanUp DEKA series host Jarod Cogswell talks with Pete about some of his biggest failures - both athletically and professionally. In this episode, you’ll learn… -What athletic failure did Pete learn the most from? -How Pete rebounded after the aforementioned investor told Pete that his idea wasn’t worth investing in -How injuries led to Pete’s career as a physical therapist -The three most influential people in Pete’s life About Pete Holman: Pete’s accreditation as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA, has enabled him to work with professional athletes and strength coaches from the MLB, NFL, NBA, UFC, X-Games and SunEnergy1 race car team: most notably Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Famer Jerome “The Bus” Bettis and 8 time X-Games and Olympic gold medalist, Mike Schultz
Could You Go from 0 to Olympic Gold? Lindsay Shoop & Joe De Sena
09/02/2021 Duração: 36minImagine: You're not in the shape you should be. You've of lost your direction. You've hit a low. That was Lindsay Dare Shoop. Eight years later, she was taking home gold at the Olympics on the US Rowing Team. Today she tells Joe De Sena, founder & Ceo of Spartan, how she made that transformation and all the things she learned in the process that make up her book, "Better Great Than Never." “I didn't think I was good enough to play a sport after high school. So I quit sports and spent about two and a half years, kind of wandering aimlessly without them. Gaining weight, grades dropping, kind of socially withdrawing, and then through a random kind of chance moment bumped into the head rowing coach when I was in college, and in that day on that moment, the timing was right. And it was like this. The opportunity arose right when I needed it.” Today's episode of Spartan up is brought to you by BetterHelp. Spartan Up listeners can save 10% on their first month by going to LINK
Former NFL Pro JJ Birden Always Works Like an Underdog / DEKA
05/02/2021 Duração: 39min“It’s okay if they see you as the underdog, but don’t believe that you are the underdog,” says former NFL pro JJ Birden. Birden played in 9 NFL seasons for the Kansas City Chiefs and Atlanta Falcons from 1988 to 1996. Spartan Up DEKA series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp interview JJ Birden to help the listener learn: -How to sustain success after the ‘highlight’ after your life -Why it’s okay if other people see you as an underdog -How to focus your efforts on making small, incremental improvements -The #1 trait of good leaders: leading from the front and how to implement this methodology in your life -How to make decisions under pressure: Process, Decide and Commit -Why team sports for America’s youth? About JJ: JJ is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, husband and father. He has been married to his college sweetheart, Raina, for 30 years and has 8 children (3 biological and 5 adopted nieces and nephews). He and his family reside in the Phoenix area. JJ Birden is an engagin
Keep your training fresh with endurance athlete Lisa Smith-Batchen / ENDURANCE
04/02/2021 Duração: 20min“If you want to be an athlete when you’re 90, you have to keep mixing up your workouts,” says Lisa Smith-Batchen, endurance athlete and guest on this week’s Endurance Series episode. SpartanUp Endurance Series host Johnny Waite talks with Lisa about how she uses cross-training to stay excited about working out. In this episode you’ll learn: -Why Lisa ran 100 miles while pulling a tire? -How Lisa uses snow-shoe walking as a form of meditation -Why does Lisa train / run with slower runners? -When to pull out of a race (hint, Lisa uses a motto “make the right choice” vs DNF) -What types of cross-training exercises Lisa uses when she wants to mix-up a workout About Lisa: Lisa Smith-Batchen – Endurance Athlete & Personal Coach Stories about Lisa’s athletic achievements have appeared on the covers of The NY Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post and Winning Magazine. Additionally, she has appeared in Runner’s World, Sports Illustrated for Women, ESPN Magazine, Outside Magazine, Ultrarunning, Trail Ru
Roar into 2021 with Stephen Pressfield & Joe De Sena
02/02/2021 Duração: 34minStephen Pressfield, author of "Gates of Fire" about the original Spartans, and the classics "The Warrior Ethos" and "The War of Art" joins Joe De Sena on the Spartan Up podcast today. How will you keep driving forward in 2021? And what can we learn from the ancient Spartans about success and drive? If you've heard the terms "going pro" or "resistance" in the context of athletic, creative, mental performance you've heard the ideas of Stephen Pressfield. What can we learn about motivation from the original Spartans? What is the essential lesson of Pressfield's book "turning pro?" Those are all topics of this motivating conversation. Get ready to crash into 2021 and keep driving forward, just make sure you're walking, lifting, running, or hustling while you listen. This episode is brought to you by Honey Stinger HONEYSTINGER.COM CODE: HSSPARTAN2020 LINKS: Stephen Pressfield His NEW Book “A Man at Arms” FOLLOW SP
What I learned from getting fired with business leader Wade Burgess / COMBAT
30/01/2021 Duração: 43min“I was fired, my car exploded, and closed on a new house in a week’s time”, says Wade Burgess, Chief Revenue Officer at Rev.Com SpartanUp Combat Series host Ryan Warner talks with Burgess about that life-changing week. In this episode you’ll learn: -How to stay positive during your a job change -3 tips for achieving long-term happiness and satisfaction in your career -Advice for fitness lovers on careers that reward competitiveness -What wrestling taught Wade about discipline Connect with Wade -Twitter: @wadeburgess SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Gone Rogue Snacks. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off. SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play: FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Find out more at https://spartancombat.c
Learn to live with no regrets with fitness inventor Pete Holman / DEKA
28/01/2021 Duração: 21minHow do you live life with no regrets? Tune into this episode with fitness inventor and export Pete Holman, who joins SpartanUp DEKA series hosts’ Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp, to share tactical advice on how to ‘leave it all on the table.’ In this you’ll learn... -What question you should ask yourself on your deathbed -About Pete’s inspiration for the TRX Rip Trainer -How you can create something from dust -The turning point in Pete’s life and how you can find yours -To never underestimate the impact you can have one someone else’s life About Pete Holman Pete’s accreditation as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA, has enabled him to work with professional athletes and strength coaches from the MLB, NFL, NBA, UFC, X-Games and SunEnergy1 race car team: most notably Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Famer Jerome “The Bus” Bettis and 8 time X-Games and Olympic gold medalist, Mike Schultz. Pete presents for IDEA FIT (the largest continuing education provider for personal trainers in
Stay Motivated for 2021 with Clark Bartram & Joe De Sena
25/01/2021 Duração: 38minNeed some motivation as we walk into 2021? This is the episode for you. Fitness icon Clark Bartram and Joe De Sena share their favorite tactics for getting going and keeping going even when you don't feel like it. Clark says "I'm gonna let the cat out of the bag, I'm a fitness guy, I've made a living off of being in fitness. I don't like to exercise. I don't, I don't get up every morning, go, yay, I get to go work. ... but I enjoy the result from it. " This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount LINKS: Clark Bartram Spartan Fit App FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them! © 2021 Spartan
Race the extremes with the Badwater queen Lisa Smith-Batchen / ENDURANCE
23/01/2021 Duração: 20min“Physically, our bodies are so capable to do what our mind wants to do,” says Lisa Smith-Batchen, endurance athlete and guest on this week’s Endurance Series episode. SpartanUp Endurance Series host Johnny Waite talks with Lisa about her experiences racing the Badwater and the Badwater Quad. In this episode you’ll learn: -The extreme environments that runners face during the Badwater Ultramarathon -How to prepare for a race where you traverse multiple climates -How Lisa stays ‘peaceful’ during a race -Why it’s okay to not be competitive -The transformative experience for Lisa that allows her to stay ‘quiet and calm’ during a race -Why she views the elements as obstacles About Lisa: Lisa Smith-Batchen – Endurance Athlete & Personal Coach Stories about Lisa’s athletic achievements have appeared on the covers of The NY Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post and Winning Magazine. Additionally, she has appeared in Runner’s World, Sports Illustrated for Women, ESPN Magazine, Outside Magazine, Ultra
How Gym Owners can Raise the Stakes with Alex Hormozi / DEKA
21/01/2021 Duração: 49min“The people who are advanced never don’t do the basics,” says Alex Hormozi, CEO of Gym Launch. Alex talks with SpartanUp DEKA series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp about how gym owners can thrive during the pandemic. In this episode you’ll learn: -How to increase client retention -How to inspire change with a client by using pain, not gain -The #1 principal for gym owners who want to achieve financial longevity -How to differentiate your gym -How to change your clients’ internal dialogue Connect with Alex: -Gym Launch: @GymLaunch, GymLaunch.Com -Instagram: @hormozi -Get your free copy of Gym Launch Secrets SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Athletic Brewing. Get free shipping on two six-packs by placing your order online at AthleticBrewing.Com. SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Mark Cuban Answers Questions from Joe and Spartans
19/01/2021 Duração: 42minBillionaire Mark Cuban joins Joe De Sena on Spartan Up today. The Shark tank star and owner of the Dallas Mavericks talks to Joe about how he would solve some pressing problems from fitness and childhood obesity to marketing Spartan races, to the idea of mandatory service. How can we solve some of our trickiest problems? Joe asked Mark Cuban how he would handle 8 of the biggest problems our country faces if he were president... 9 if you count getting more of you off the couch and out on the course. Wonder what it's really like to be a billionaire? That's where the interview starts. Next Joe De Sena, the founder of Spartan, asked Mark whether he'd consider running for president of the United States. If Mark Cuban were president: How would Mark Cuban handle COVID and get us back to racing and Mavericks games? How would he handle the gaping political divide between Red & Blue, Left & Right in the US? How would he solve the current health crisis and get people away from crap food and sugar? What would M
The Egoless Coach with Bryan Medlin / COMBAT
16/01/2021 Duração: 34min“We will go to the end of the Earth to make sure our team gets what they need,” says Bryan Medlin. SpartanUp Combat Series host Ryan Warner talks with Medlin - one of the most respected greco-roman wrestling coaches in the country and current University of Illinois assistant coach - about how coaches can remove the ego. In this episode you’ll learn: -What 14+ trips to Russia taught Medlin about youth development -Why coaching provides purpose to those who feel the calling -How a house fire in 2017 changed his perspective on gratitude -When you’re in a tough spot, how to focus on doing ‘one thing right’ -Leadership principles from the Marines Connect with Bryan -Twitter: @MedlinBryan -Illini wrestling SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by HoneyStinger. Use the code ‘HSSpartan2020’ to save 30% off. SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play: FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat:
How to Take On Massive Challenge (like running from Afghanistan to China) / ENDURANCE
14/01/2021 Duração: 20minFrom the border of Afghanistan to the border of China, the Running the Roof the crew traversed the Bartang Valley on foot! This journey took over 20+ months to plan, and is the epitome of delayed gratification. Spartan Up Endurance Series host Johnny Waite interviews Jody Bragger, Jodie Gauld and Gabriel Ghiglione, who together, ran across Tajikstan as part of a friendly bet. The bet started in the dead of winter, where the crew picked a location on a map (blindfolded) and committed to running wherever their finger landed. The end result was a cross-country adventure that was made into a documentary, Running the Roof. In this episode you’ll learn: -How to break a massive task into micro-projects -What role visualization played in the Crew’s preparations -Why it’s important to be a yes person -How the Crew used game theory during the planning process -How the film impacted the Crew’s lives Learn more about Jodie, JB and Gabriel: -RunningTheRoof.Com -Watch the documentary: https://filmfest.banffc
What's Your Ideal Diet? with Nick Shaw & Joe De Sena
12/01/2021 Duração: 36minJoe De Sena and Nick Shaw review all the most popular diet types. What should you really be eating? How do you simplify your food choices? Nick is the Founder and CEO of Renaissance Periodization - a diet and fitness company founded on evidence-based practices, the author of "Fit for Success," and the host of the RP Strength podcast. This episode is brought to you by Honey Stinger. Visit and use code: HSSPARTAN2020 to save 30% off. LINKS: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them! © 2021 Spartan
What Hunter McIntyre Really Thinks of Spartan Games / DEKA
09/01/2021 Duração: 25min“I have a sticky-note on my wall that says ‘Ryan Atkins made you look stupid,” says Hunter McIntyre, who lost to Atkins at the inaugural Spartan Games. SpartanUp DEKA Series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp talk with Hunter about his Spartan Games performance. In this episode you’ll learn: -That fitness is the one outlet in modern society that provides a constant feedback loop -Why Hunter’s purpose is to be the happiest person in the world -Why Hunter feels it’s the ‘best’ way to determine the ‘fittest athlete’ -What happens when you don’t ‘own’ your wetsuit -What obstacle gave him the most trouble -His thought on competing against Ryan Atkins -What’s next for the Sheriff Connect with Hunter -Twitter @huntthesheriff -Instagram: @huntthesheriff -Website: Connect with Jarod and Yancy -Jarod’s Twitter and Instagram: @jarod_cogswell -Yancy’s Twitter and Instagram: @YancyCulp SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25” to ge
Running across Tajikstan with the creators of Running the Roof/ ENDURANCE
07/01/2021 Duração: 25minIt’s not about the idea, it’s about the people behind the idea who can make it happen. That’s the theme of today’s StartanUp Endurance Series episode, where host Johnny Waite interviews Jody Bragger, Jodie Gauld and Gabriel Ghiglione, who together, ran across Tajikstan as part of a friendly bet. The bet started in the dead of winter, where the crew picked a location on a map (blindfolded) and committed to running wherever their finger landed. The end result was a cross-country adventure that was made into a documentary, Running the Roof. In this episode you’ll learn: -The importance of the team you surround yourself with -Commitment: how to pick a date, or in this case, a country, and commit to the adventure that lies ahead -Why Tajikstan and what dangers did they encounter along the crew’s trip? -The crew’s running plans for the next 2 years Learn more about Jodie, JB and Gabriel -RunningTheRoof.Com -Watch the documentary -Connect on social: @jodieGauld; @intrepid_sole SPONSOR This episode of Sp
Leading During Chaos, advice from Unbreakable Leadership's Thom Shea with Joe De Sena
05/01/2021 Duração: 33minThey were desperate enough to call in an airstrike on themselves. Think about that. WIth that came ultimate clarity. Retired Navy SEAL Thom Shea says war teaches you what's real. He served 23 years with distinguished valor before writing his bestselling book, "Unbreakable: A Navy Seal's Way of Life." Today he talks about his latest book, "Three Simple Things: Leading During Chaos." The founder of Unbreakable Leadership's lessons are more valuable than ever today. Thom shares battle-tested advice for leading through chaos with Spartan founder and CEO Joe De Sena based on the three primary skills you need to master - focus, ego/emotion, and failure. He shares the 6-hour daily program that is the baseline of the successful leaders he trains. LINKS: Unbreakable Leadership “Three Simple Things: Leading During Chaos” FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter ht
How to Stay Hydrated, Focused and Nourished in 2021 with Joe De Sena / COMBAT
02/01/2021 Duração: 22minWhen a decade of training wrestling, blindfolded, saves your life. That’s what Spartan CEO Joe De Sena and SpartanUp Combat Series host Ryan Warner talk about in today’s episode. The guys also cover Joe’s passion for combat sports, why Spartan Nutrition and Joe’s background in chosen suffering. In this episode you’ll learn… How a dinner in NYC led Joe to fall in love with combat sports, specifically, wrestling Joe’s journey from cleaning pools, to Cornell to Wall Street Why Joe started racing ultra-distance races A crazy week where Joe ran Badwater, the Vermont 100 and the Lake Placid Ironman Spartan Nutrition and what you’ll get from each of the three tools: Hydration Tablets, Energy Capsules and the Spartan Tea Why and when to take these supplements in 2021 How to cut weight (this is for our combat athletes and parents of combat athletes) SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Headspace. For a free one month trial, go to Headpace.Com/Spartan. SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: http://bi
Strategies to Light Up 2021 with Jarod & Yancy / DEKA
31/12/2020 Duração: 21min“Keep climbing and stop whining,” says Jarod Cogswell, co-host of the SpartanUp DEKA Series. “Keep climbing and stop whining,” says Jarod Cogswell, co-host of the Spartan Up DEKA Series. Coaches Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp share their best advice for making the most of your 2021 in this episode solo. They recap their biggest learnings from 2020, share strategies on how to get the most out of 2021, and talk about 3 reasons to be grateful during these crazy times. In this episode you’ll learn -That sometimes you hit a false summit, but you have no choice but to keep climbing -Don’t filter yourself in 2021. If you have something to give, let yourself shine -How to keep climbing and stop whining -What the guys are most grateful for Connect with Jarod and Yancy -Jarod’s Twitter and Instagram: @jarod_cogswell -Yancy’s Twitter and Instagram: @YancyCulp SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Headspace. For a free one month trial, go to Headpace.Com/Spartan. SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: h