Fitness, Healthy Eating, Inspiration, and - Free workout music with a wide range of tempos for walking, running, ellipticals, step-aerobics, spinning, stairs...You've found your source for all your motivational fitness needs.
STTB 36 - 125 BPM - Binge Beat
21/08/2011I should have listened to my own advice and stepped on the scale on my usual weigh-in day - Thursday, instead of today, the day after a two-week vacation. Fourteen days of double desserts and... Finally! A podcast for a wide range of fitness activities! Runners, walkers, stair climbers - You've found your fitness music podcast!
STTB 35 - 127 BPM - Back to the Beats
19/06/2011I've been tearing into the kettlebell lately and mixing jogging into my morning walks. For the kettelbell, my 35/30 23 rep/14 set routing with the 20 kg bell was getting monotonous, so I changed it... Finally! A podcast for a wide range of fitness activities! Runners, walkers, stair climbers - You've found your fitness music podcast!
STTB 34 - 151 BPM - Up Beat
08/05/2011151 BPM Okay - I'm stepping up my workout routine this week and adding walking back into the mix. Yes, walking. I know that running was there before, but I need to build some base miles on my legs,... Finally! A podcast for a wide range of fitness activities! Runners, walkers, stair climbers - You've found your fitness music podcast!
STTB 33 - 146 BPM - Beat Down
22/04/2011While building up my mileage in regular heel-strike running, my Achilles/calf seized up last Saturday at .6 miles into the run. So discouraging. I'm tired of injuries. I cycled for decades and... Finally! A podcast for a wide range of fitness activities! Runners, walkers, stair climbers - You've found your fitness music podcast!
STTB 32 - 132 BPM - Personal Best
09/04/2011132 BPM Just recently, I've set a couple of fairly lofty personal fitness goals. One of them has to do with the Kettlebell, and I'll talk about that in the next couple of posts. The other one is... Finally! A podcast for a wide range of fitness activities! Runners, walkers, stair climbers - You've found your fitness music podcast!