Latest in Paleo is a weekly podcast that delivers the latest health and fitness news from a unique perspective where scientific evidence intersects with evolutionary clues. Hosted by Angelo Coppola.
Episode 174: Energy and Reason
01/12/2016 Duração: 47minThis week's episode of Latest in Paleo features News & Views on the latest energy drink research and an energy drink case that may have put one man in the hospital; new research suggests alcohol consumption may help prevent strokes; and why researchers believe yo-yo dieting and weight regain could be related to alterations in the gut microbiome. The Moment of Paleo segment offers food for thought about how measurements color our perceptions. And the After the Bell segment features a Socratic dialog about reason and morality. Links for this episode:This Episode's Homepage on latestinpaleo.comWhy & How to Support Latest in PaleoFood & Product RecommendationsBook & Audio Book RecommendationsClinical Symptoms and Adverse Effects Associated With Energy... : Pediatric Emergency CareThe Case Against Energy Drinks Is Getting Stronger | TIMECase study chronicles first brain bleed tied to energy drinksAlabama man suffered stroke after consuming energy drink | AL.comIf Energy Drink Ads Were HonestDi
Episode 173: Balloon Belly
23/11/2016 Duração: 57minOn this week's holiday episode our News & Views segment starts at Krispy Kreme to see if we can extract any good take-aways from the recent class-action lawsuit filed against the chain. Then, it's on to a recent study about what happens when you don't feed your gut bacteria...what do they eat instead? The segment is rounded out with coverage of recent research on whole milk for kids and a new—somewhat strange–non-pharmaceutical weight-loss pill. The Moment of Paleo segment offers thoughts on restriction and upcoming holiday feasts. And After the Bell features a talk about life's invisible feast. Enjoy the show! Links for this episode:Latest in Paleo on Facebook — Leave a Comment About this Episode or Post a News LinkWhy & How to Support Latest in PaleoRecommended Food & ProductsRecommended Books & AudiobooksKrispy Kreme Lawsuit Claims Company Misled Over Doughnut FruitA Fruitless Suit?: Krispy Kreme Sued Over Fake Berry-Flavored Donuts - Law Street (TM)Kreme-filled lies — Doughnut company face
Episode 172: Catch-22
16/11/2016 Duração: 49minOn this week's News & Views we cover: NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, Celebrex, and Naproxen; new research that suggests high HDL is not heart protective; and how worrying about health can actually affect your health. The food for thought continues in the Moment of Paleo segment, which explores the things we cannot do when we must do them. After the Bell features a talk by Alan Watts on the topic of Double Binds. Links for this episode:Why & How to Support Latest in PaleoRecommended Food & Other ProductsRecommended Books & Audio BooksComment on this Episode or Share a News LinkCardiovascular Safety of Celecoxib, Naproxen, or Ibuprofen for Arthritis — NEJMCelebrex arthritis drug just as safe as NSAIDs for pain relief, with fewer side effects, study finds - CBS NewsSurprise! Arthritis Drug Celebrex Shown As Safe As Ibuprofen And NaproxenIbuprofen May Not Be As Safe As You Think | TIMENew Study Reveals Ibuprofen and Naproxen Health RisksHigh-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Cause-Specific Mortality in
Episode 171: Discipline vs. Will Power
10/11/2016 Duração: 55minOn this week's News & Views segment we discuss how long work hours can affect health, the importance of sleep and how it affects food choices, and how various levels of impulsivity are related to fast food consumption. This leads to examining the difference between will power and discipline in the Moment of Paleo segment. And the After the Bell segment features a talk that delves into what our desire for instant gratification may predict about us. Notably, our discussions may also be useful for some in dealing with post-election stress. Links for this episode:How to Support Latest in PaleoBooks & Audiobook RecommendationsFood & Product RecommendationsWorking hours and sleep duration in midlife as determinants of health-related quality of life among older businessmenMen’s long working hours, short sleep may harm health in old age | ReutersPoor work-life balance leads to poor health later in life - Medical News TodayWorking long hours could be bad for your heart - CBS NewsFlexible working conditions
Episode 170: Complete Guide to Fasting
01/11/2016 Duração: 01h43minOn today's show, we are joined by Dr. Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore, co-authors of The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-day, and Extended Fasting. We discuss Jimmy Moore’s current 21-day fast attempt, whether fasting is safe, fasting's track record, the benefits of fasting with regards to weight loss, diabetes, insulin levels, and longevity. Other topics include fasting for women, issues people may experience when fasting, and various methods of fasting. You'll also learn how Dr. Fung and Jimmy Moore implement fasting in their own lives. Then, we have have more food-for-thought dessert in our Moment of Paleo and After the Bell segments. Enjoy the show! Links for this episode:How to help support Latest in PaleoThis Episode's Homepage on latestinpaleo.comThe Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-day, and Extended FastingBooks & AudiobooksFood & Product Shopping ListFacebook - Comment on this episode & post news linksInten
Episode 169: Whole in the Wall
23/10/2016 Duração: 58minOn this week's show, we discuss some of the latest research and findings in our News & Views segment. Our stories are about how the soda industry plays politics to advance its agenda, whether salt is good or bad in the human diet, and whether calcium supplements pose a heart-health risk. The Moment of Paleo segment offers ideas about how we can think about areas of our lives, by analogy, based on what we know about whole foods vs. processed foods and supplements. In the After the Bell segment a truly thought-provoking talk about how we create ourselves with our thoughts. Links for this episode:This Episode's Homepage on latestinpaleo.comLatest in Paleo on Facebook — Leave a Comment About this Episode or Post a News LinkThe Latest in Paleo Health News TickerFood & Product RecommendationsThe Paleo Answer - Loren CordainThe End of Dieting - Dr. Joel FuhrmanMore Book & Audiobook RecommendationsSponsorship of National Health Organizations by Two Major Soda Companies - American Journal of Preventiv
Episode 168: Dr. Loren Cordain—The Paleo Diet
19/10/2016 Duração: 01h38minLoren Cordain, Ph.D. joins us on today's show. Dr. Cordain is widely regarded as the father of the modern Paleo approach to diet. We discuss everything from whether the diet should be standardized, the high-protein component of Paleo, how data about hunter-gatherer dietary patterns were collected and analyzed, why the Paleo Diet restricts legumes and potatoes, the role of plant foods, anti-nutrients, the consumption of oils, aging and longevity, calorie restriction, the Blue Zones, and much more. He is the author of The Paleo Diet, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, The Paleo Answer, The Real Paleo Diet Cookbook, many other books, and several research papers. Whether or not you've previously heard Cordain speak or lecture, you'll come away from today's show with new information. There is also a Moment of Paleo and a talk by Staffan Lindberg After the Bell. Links for this episode:This Episode's Homepage on latestinpaleo.comLatest in Paleo on Facebook — Leave a Comment About this Episode or Post a News LinkThe L
Episode 167: Dr. Joel Fuhrman
12/10/2016 Duração: 01h27minJoel Fuhrman, M.D. is our guest on today's show. We talk about fat, protein, longevity, what foods should be eaten daily, why nuts and seeds are important, why he doesn't recommend eating too much starch, and so much more. He's written several best sellers, including Eat to Live and most recently The End of Dieting. He's also appeared on several PBS specials, published research, and was once the number 3 pairs figure skater in the world. He calls his diet Nutritarian, with immense focus on nutrient density from whole foods. He doesn't fit neatly into any of the popular diet camps. This episode is information-dense, as Dr. Fuhrman answers my many questions with great detail. Enjoy the show! Links for this episode:This Episode on LatestInPaleo.comGet the Free Latest in Paleo Health TickerFood & Other RecommendationsBook RecommendationsSmart Nutrition, Superior Health. | DrFuhrman.comEat to Live Blog | DrFuhrman.comJoel Fuhrman, MD (@DrFuhrman) | TwitterDr. Fuhrman - YouTubeDefining the Nutritional and Metab
Episode 166: Fat Genes Skinny Jeans
03/10/2016 Duração: 01h29minLiam Bowler and Carrie Forrest join us to discuss News & Views. We start with three very interesting stories centering around genetics: anxiety's link to metabolic disorder; the 'fat gene' and weight loss; and the latest research on the 'thrifty gene hypothesis.' The Moment of Paleo segment furthers some of the themes discussed during the news segment and revolves around boxing ourselves into various narratives. After the Bell features Jennifer Douden, one of the inventors of CRISPR, a genome editing tool. Links for this episode:Get the Free Latest in Paleo Health News Ticker!This Episode at latestinpaleo.comLatest in Paleo on FacebookBook & Audiobook RecommendationsThe Body Awake by Liam Bowler + Dynamic Alignment Bodywork on iTunesDynamic Alignment Bodywork : Liam Bowler, LMP, BCSILiam Bowler, LMP, BCSI — Dynamic Alignment Bodywork - YouTubeCarrie on LivingCarrie Forrest, MPH (@carrieonliving) | TwitterCarrie on LivingCarrie Forrest, MPH Nutrition (@carrieonliving) • Instagram photos and videosMicro
Episode 165: Outsourcing Your Motivation
27/09/2016 Duração: 02h02minMeredith Rhodes and Roland Denzel join us to discuss News & Views. Stories include: the effectiveness of wearable fitness and diet trackers, what the gut microbiomes of obese kids tell us, whether stress erases the benefits of a healthy diet, and what we can learn from a new Blue Zone identified in southern Italy. The Moment of Paleo segment throws around ideas about working to get ahead. After the Bell features Dan Ariely, professor of economics, discussing whether we are really in control of our own decisions. Links for this episode:Get the Latest in Paleo Health News Ticker!This Episode at latestinpaleo.comRecommended Books & AudiobooksForward Health Coach |Meredith (@geomert) | TwitterAdventures in Humaning | Free Listening on SoundCloudFacebook - Adventures In HumaningFacebook - Eat Well Move WellEat Well Move Well™ – #EatMoveLive52 – Better In A Week!Roland Denzel (@rolanddenzel) | TwitterEffect of Wearable Technology Combined With a Lifestyle Intervention on Long-term Weight Loss: The IDEA Ran
Episode 164: Sweetening the Research
20/09/2016 Duração: 02h02minEvelyn Kocur and Meredith Rhodes join me, Angelo Coppola, in the News & Views segment. Stories include: the sugar industry's influence on research, David Katz on the Paleo Diet, alcohol and exercise, and how daily cannabis use might affect BMI. The Moment of Paleo segment covers trust in the media. After the Bell features Dr. David Agus' new strategy in the war on cancer. Links for this episode:This Episode's Homepage on Angelo's BlogLatest in Paleo on Facebook - News hunters and gatherers post your links here.Recommended Books & AudiobooksThe Carb-Sane AsylumEvelyn (@CarbSane) | Twitter(1) The Carb-Sane AsylumForward Health Coach |Meredith (@geomert) | TwitterAdventures in Humaning | Free Listening on SoundCloud(1) Adventures In HumaningHow the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat - The New York TimesThe sugar industry paid Harvard scientists to shift heart disease blame away from sugar, and towards fat — QuartzSugar Industry Funded 1960s Harvard Research That Blamed Heart Disease on Fat | S
Episode 163: Sedation by iPad
09/09/2016 Duração: 02h17minGlenn Whitney and Darryl Edwards join your host, Angelo Coppola, to discuss News & Views. Stories include: how screens act as sedatives for children; the latest trends in obesity in the US; a recent study about Paleo and heart disease; and the evolution of risk in dogs and wolves. The Moment of Paleo segment offers ideas about the folly of seeking chronic motivation. After the Bell features a recent presentation by Stephan Guyenet about the relevance of calorie intake. Links for this episode:This Episode's Homepage on Angelo's BlogLatest in Paleo on Facebook - News hunters and gatherers post your links here.Recommended Books & AudiobooksPrimal Play | Darryl Edwards | London Movement Coach | Personal Trainer | Wellness CoachDarryl Edwards (@FitnessExplorer) | Twitter(6) The Fitness Explorer - Darryl EdwardsSports Coaching, Elite Sport, Sports Psychology - Sports Coach RadioSports Coach RadioServices - Mindful Your Own BusinessMindful Your Own BusinessMindfulYourOwnBiz (@mindfulyourbiz) | Twit
Episode 162: Dr. John McDougall
07/08/2016 Duração: 01h32minOn this episode, Dr. John McDougall takes us on a near-50-year journey as a doctor, educator, and even a 15-year stretch as a radio talk show host. He explains his dietary positions, and why he believes the human diet should be based on starch. While Dr. McDougall doesn’t consider himself a vegan, he recommends no meat in the diet and explains why (his answer may surprise you). Dr. McDougall also holds strong opinions with regard to medical screenings, and he discusses these views as well. Listen in for an audio experience I hope you’ll enjoy. Links for this episode:Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center(6) John McDougall MDJohn McDougall, MD (@johnmcdougallmd) | TwitterDr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center » John A. McDougall, M.D. & Mary McDougalljohn mcdougall - PubMed - NCBIThe Early Years of Dr. John McDougall - YouTubeUSDA GREAT NUTRITION DEBATE: Low carb gurus vs Plant based physicians - YouTubeNathan Pritikin: A Casual Conversation with Dr. McDougall - YouTubeFeynman: Take the
Episode 160: PaleoFX
01/05/2016 Duração: 01h10minOn today’s show, the CEO of PaleoFX, Michelle Norris, joins us. You'll learn how and why she got started with Paleo (kicking and screaming the whole way). What the PaleoFX conference is and what attendees can expect from the upcoming event in Austin, Texas. She also fields questions about the future of Paleo and any risks or challenges for the community that she sees coming down the road. Also in this episode, experience a somewhat different format and discover the future lineup of guests, including Dr. John McDougall, next time on Episode 161. In the After the Bell segment, we have a PaleoFX presentation by Dr. Rhonda Patrick. Links for this episode:This Episode's HomepageLatest in Paleo on Facebook - News hunters and gatherers post your links here.Full List of Recommended Books & AudiobooksPaleo f(x)™ - Conference, Events, Speakers, Lifestyle Paleo f(x)™Paleo f(x)PaleoFX (@PaleoFX) | TwitterBlog - Paleo f(x)™ Paleo f(x)™Michelle Norris - Paleo f(x)™ Paleo f(x)™How Diet, Exercise, and Hyperthermic C
Episode 159: Real Food for Plants, Animals, and Humans
19/04/2016 Duração: 01h19minIn this episode's News & Views segment, we cover recent research that reveals ultra-processed foods make up more than 50% of the American diet, while whole foods and minimally processed foods combined make up only 30 percent. We also talk about how sugar plays into the processed-food diet. Then, we consider what happens when animals and plants are raised on "junk food diets." The Moment of Paleo segment is about the real-food movement. Also covered: Canada's 30 x 30 Nature Challenge, a new book recommendation, and Mark Bittman in the After the Bell segment delivering a talk called What's Wrong with What we Eat? Links for this episode:This Episode's HomepageLatest in Paleo on Facebook - News hunters and gatherers post your links here.Over-diagnosed: Making People Sick in the Pursuit of HealthFull List of Recommended Books & Audiobooks30x30 Challenge! | Do you want to be happier, smarter, and healthier? We do! That is why we at the David Suzuki Foundation are challenging folks to join us in spendin
Episode 158: The Potato Hack, Weight Loss Simplified
03/04/2016 Duração: 57minOn today’s show, guest Tim Steele tells us how a short-term, all-potato diet can be used as a successful weight loss tool. In addition, you'll learn about potato history, antinutrients, satiety, resistant starch, and more. Tim recently published a book, The Potato Diet: Weight Loss Simplified and it is available on Amazon in print and kindle formats. There is also a Michael Pollan documentary recommendation (one you may have missed) and in the After the Bell segment, we’ll hear more about all-potato diets. Links for this episode:This Episode's HomepageLatest in Paleo on Facebook - News hunters and gatherers post your links here.The Potato Hack: Weight Loss SimplifiedFull List of Recommended Books & AudiobooksTHE BOTANY OF DESIRE | PBS - YouTubeWatch Videos Online | Botany of Desire | Veoh.comThe Potato Hack – Weight Loss SimplifiedVegetable PharmThe Potato Hack Facebook Page / GroupAll that you wanted to know about 20 potatoes a day dietBBC NEWS | Health | Starch 'fuel of human evolution'60
Episode 157: Fasting
26/03/2016 Duração: 01h56minOn this episode, I discuss my recent 5-day fast: how it went, what I learned, and whether I'll be doing it again. In the News & Views segment, we discuss a CNN article about fasting and longevity as well as a NY Times article that indicates intermittent fasting is becoming more widely accepted. You'll learn about a 450-lb man who did not eat food for over a year and reduced his body to a normal size. In the Moment of Paleo, I offer some ideas about when less is more. And After the Bell features a Dr. Jason Fung presentation about fasting as an important health tool. Enjoy the show! Links for this episode:This Episode's HomepageLatest in Paleo on Facebook - News hunters and gatherers post your links here.Full List of Recommended Books & AudiobooksEat, Fast & Live Longer HD - Video DailymotionOccasional fasting could help you live longer - CNN.comPeriodic fasting may lead to longer, healthier lives - AOLFasting Diets Are Gaining Acceptance - The New York TimesDietary restriction improves repopu
Episode 156: In the Woods
11/03/2016 Duração: 01h14minA review of cancer data has Canada changing its guidelines on colon cancer screenings, while in other cancer news a study has the medical community asking whether living with cancer can be better for patients than curing it. Also in the News & Views segment, Whole Foods changes it's mind about replacing nature's packaging for oranges. Also, a new study looks at how mimicking a Paleolithic lifestyle—in the woods with no shelter—might affect metabolic health. In the Moment of Paleo the topic is it really so bad? Today's documentary & book recommendations and After the Bell segment are each about ultra hikes along mega trails. Enjoy the show! Links for this episode:This Episode's HomepageLatest in Paleo on Facebook - News hunters and gatherers post your links here.Full List of Recommended Books & AudiobooksA Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian TrailReversing Type 2 Diabetes: The University of Newcastle Research with Diet Plan | – Humans Are Not BrokenMILE… MI
Episode 155: Sound the False Alarm!
01/03/2016 Duração: 01h23minA recent study on low carb, high fat (LCHF) diets led to a prominent researcher issuing warnings about the Paleo diet, calling it dangerous, and this rippled out in the media. On this episode, we take a look at that study and show why it is so misleading and why some researchers are calling for a retraction. In other news, a new study shows major health benefits from just a little weight loss, and the CDC tells us 83 million American adults don't get enough sleep. There is also a recap of the Newcastle research, which every diabetic should be aware of. The Moment of Paleo furthers the theme of small changes, big impact. There are new book and documentary recommendations. The After the Bell segment features Dr. Ian Spreadburry's excellent talk for the New Zealand Ancestral Health Symposium further strengthening the proposition that whole food delivers good health—if you don't know the difference between acellular and cellular carbs, you will after this talk, and you'll be glad you do. Enjoy the show! Links fo
Episode 154: Fiber the New Protein?
22/02/2016 Duração: 01h46minOn this episode of Latest in Paleo, we look at recent research regarding dietary fiber, indicating benefits to health and appetite control. One study suggests the lack of gut microbiome diversity seen in people who don't eat much fiber may be passed down to future generations. And finally, is the fiber hype entering fad territory or is it legit? We also take a look at claims a Cochrane Collaboration co-founder has leveled against the pharmaceutical industry; he says they fit the definition for organized crime. This is really a must-listen segment. Also this week, we feature a Human Movement Update after the News & Views, and we look at which exercises might be most effective for the brain. The Documentary Recommendation, Moment of Paleo, and After the Bell segments all relate to The Overview Effect; how seeing things from a higher level can drastically change our thinking. Enjoy the show! Links for this episode:This Episode's homepageLatest in Paleo on Facebook - News hunters and gatherers post your