Didier Soulier's Podcast

Ep 43 - The Mind Work out with Mark Freeman, Bestseller Author, Personal and Business Coach, and Keynote speaker.



This episode is fantastic and goes into mental health issues, that many of us experience or will experience at some point. I loved talking with Mark, he’s such a great guy and a lovely soul. We talk about his best selling book and his own personal life experience. Mark gives a few good advice to fight back mental health, and his own perspective on the subject which he’s passionate about. It was a pleasure to have this conversation and I hope to catch up with Mark next year. I ask Mark the following: How did you end up with your current line of work, as an author, keynote speaker, and Coaching? How did you cope with your own mental health issues? What does The Mind Work out mean to you? How did you end up writing this book? How long did it take you to write it? What are the best tips for people suffering from mental issues? What is the if any one of the big catalysts for mental health in today’s world? Where can we find you? What do you do for fun? What do you do to relax? Any books you can recommend to m