
Designing massive action with Bruce Mau | Vodcast



What role does design have to play in creating a successful and liveable world for future generations? And how does life-centred design come into this equation?    Bruce Mau is a globally recognised and awarded designer and innovator. He’s spent the past three decades funnelling his energy into projects that contribute to a better world including designing; a sustainability platform for Coca Cola, a social movement platform for Guatemala, and an institute for entrepreneurial designers.    Mau is also the Co-founder alongside his life partner Bisi Williams and CEO of Massive Change Network, an organisation dedicated to working with leaders to envision an abundant future and accelerate massive, sustainable change and positive impact for organisations and the planet.    His life-centred design approach is grounded in the belief that people are just one part of our larger ecosystem and environment, and everything we do as humans has implications for the health of our planet. Economic, ecological, environmental an