Rimproreport With Tom Adams

Tom Simpson of AAA Certified Confidential Security Corp



Being “first” at anything is a major accomplishment. Think of the Wright Brothers and the first flight. Then there was John Alcock and Arthur Brown accomplishing the first cross-Atlantic flight. (Sorry Lindbergh fans. He didn’t actually make his crossing till eight years after they had.) And don’t forget Chuck Yeager and the first supersonic flight he flew in the famed Bell X-1 airplane.First matters. No one can ever take away that designation and status once you’ve achieved it.Our guest today has a history of being first. He’s done it in the shredding industry a few times. Tom Simpson is the President of AAA Certified Confidential Security Corp based in Peoria, IL. Tom and his company were the first NAID AAA Certified shredding company in the world. They were also among the first members of NAID back when it was started. And Tom also drives race cars. (Do you see a pattern emerging?)Tom is a destruction industry giant. If you are in the shredding business, he’s someone who has paved the way for you and has b