Australian Property Podcast

Australian Property Podcast Show EP492- Should You Pivot To Commercial And A Case Study



Welcome to the Australian Property Podcast - Hosted by Jonathan Preston. So in today's episode i want to discuss at what point do residential investors pivot over to buying commercial properties please note as always everything discussed here is done so for entertainment purposes only i've not taken into account your personal circumstances nor your risk profile so you should seek professional advice before making any investment decisions so basically today what i want to talk about is basically at what point you may want to consider pivoting over to becoming a commercial property investor um instead of residential so um i see this pathway quite a lot a lot of people uh you know they start out sort of thinking that they'll buy a bunch of residential properties that they've got capital growth is the um the key idea and obviously that um you know has a lot of upsides um probably you know as you may be familiar with by now the downside is around serviceability um and also cash flow can be more challenging and res