Cannainsider - Interviews With The Leaders Of The Legal Cannabis - Marijuana Industry

Interview with Johann Hari, Author of Chasing the Scream



Johann Hari is the author of Chasing the Scream, The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs. Johann walks us through all the alarming and rarely mentioned ways the war on drugs hurts societies and how ending prohibition brings order. Johann details how countries around the world are ending prohibition and the amazing results they are seeing as a result.   Key Takeaways: [1:31] – Why rats only choose drugs when they are alone and unhappy [10:37] – What happens to the drug market in MD when a dealer gets arrested? [14:40] – Johann discusses Arnold Rothstein and Rosalio Reta [22:31] – Do humans have an innate desire to experience altered reality [37:34] – The results of drug decriminalization in Switzerland and Portugal [45:13] – How to find Johann’s Book, Chasing The Scream.