Insta Universe By Gillian Bakker

21: Step-by-step process of removing limiting beliefs. How to transform limiting beliefs in your mind.



Limiting beliefs prevent you from living in your highest potential. That's just facts. If you have a fear of judgment, you're afraid to show up online. If you're afraid to show up online, you are unable to promote your business. Another example, if you're a perfectionist, you are waiting for the perfect conditions to take action. Newsflash: the timing is never going to be perfect, you're just procrastinating until you are burnt out. It's time to remove your limitations, so that you can achieve your 2022 vision.  This episode is a wrap up of February in 365 days of journaling. Join today --> FREE journaling prompts to achieve your goals, live mindfully, reduce stress & boost your confidence in 2022 Instagram --- Send in a voice message: