Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Female Entrepreneurs - Lessons in Opportunity, Determination and Persistence



As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote; and recognize it has been 47 years for women to have equal right to education and 30 years since women were given the authority to obtain a loan without a male cosigner, it is interesting to observe the next wave of independence. As with most long term suppression; the outcome of decades of activism, perseverence, and determination is rarely sudden or suprising.  Women have fought for equality in the workforce for decades.  While women are gaining ground in c-suites and boardrooms, where we see the most growth is the surge of women starting their own businessies---58% growth since 2007.  While 40% of the private small businesses in the US are female led, the percentage of jobs offered, revenue contribution, and economic impact on exit is substantially less.  Why is this? Is there a systemic cause and what can be done about it? Influencer, Jacque Rushin joins Karen Rands on the Compassionate Capitalist Podcast Show to talk about her upc