Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Procrastination - #1 Success Killer to Overcome with Kris Jones & Karen Rands



From the archives of The Compassionate Capitalist Podcast show with host Karen Rands, we present the golden nuggets on over coming procrastination...how it is a success killer and strategies to overcome it.  As you listen to Karen's special guest Kristopher B Jones, you'll hear many references to Napolean Hill and Tony Robbins.  One such tidbit that Kris shared from his time training with Tony Robbins:   "The way that you take action in life is to start with the outcome; to really remove the in decisiveness about what it is that you're truly going after in life." And as Napolean Hill teaches - the opposite of procrastination is decision. Failures come from the attitude and behavior of waiting for the "time to be right" or lack of belief in the ability to reach a goal, and burning desire to overcome a fear of failure.   Enjoy this gem of a conversation between Karen and Kris because Kris, with his accomplishments is clearly a man who has conquered procrastination on his journey to success. Kris is the forme