Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Compassionate Capitalist Investing Strategy: Revenue Based Investments



In this Compassionate Capitalist Podcast, Karen Rands is joined by Jonathon Bragdon, Founder of Capacity, to discuss Revenue Based Investments as a non-dilutive capital source gaining in popularity with entrepreneur founders and investors. Revenue Based Investments, also known as Royalty Financing, is a hybrid of debt and equity in that it can be converted to equity, unlike cash flow lending, yet is paid back as a percentage of revenue on a predictive basis until an agreed to multiple of the original amount is returned to the investor.  When the agreed to amount, usually 2x - 4x the investment, is paid back to the investor, the entrepreneur's obligation is fulfilled and the company retains any equity used as collateral on the financing.  The unique characteristics of Revenue Based Investments is well suited for businesses seeking growth capital to expand and have a long term vision for the future of their company to remain private. Investors accustomed to re-occuring revenue streams from their investments, ca