Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Compassionate Capitalist: Using Economic Meta-Trends as Predictor of Markets



During this episode of the Compassionate Capitalist Show, Mark Parrott joins Karen Rands to discuss how economic data helps predict markets and customer engagement.  According to Parrott: "Meta-Trends teaches you how to peer into the future through economic forecasting, and learn to adjust to the coming economy."  In the absence of a 'black swan' event, such as the Covid 19 Pandemic, business growth and customer engagement can be predicted and business owners and investors can anticipate market shifts or necessity of a business pivot.  Listen to learn how this can be applied to your business and investments.  Mark Parrott is a 31-year veteran of the financial services industry. After spending his formative years on Wall Street, Mark moved on to teach captains of industry as well as the common man. He has presented to, or directly counseled more than 10,000 companies totaling more than 320 billion in revenue.  Mark’s book. Meta-Trends & the Next Economy is the highest rated econometrics book on Amazon.