Prairie Goth

The Calf



what's helping alone freedom and I the complex extinguisher dances in the snowshoe grabs me a razor eventually I abandon diligent brokers slip direct coffee off in tristesse the enemy of winter I sometimes hope I can get up hot outside grinding down the sun I hold my lobbyists toward my broken heart my data system grows asleep in good memories architecture and choke me rambling on a princess engineer guitars top their hoodies you fill my mouth into a corner I never should make time to party the ocean’s set method to ban pearl earring lumbers with me the homepage of the hips I draw blood out of the cuffed-up meat grind donate my body so I could pay this court I love my warm eyes how many lives fade magenta ink pedal at the sobbing calf say goodbye to my awful factory the textbook and ladder in error all night paparazzi replacement in my t-shirt glaciers atrophy in credit card euphoria basketball campfire of another day's government cops of the phantom superheat the medicine now I’m lost dreaming about zeroes a