Dina Marais's Soulpurpose Prosperous Business

Episode 62 Decisions vs New Year's Resolutions



This time of year we have things that you want to do differently. We want to have more clients, we want to have more income, or we want to stop smoking, lose weight or be a better mother or a parent or a partner. The reason why so many New Year’s Resolutions fizzle out is the level of mind that we make the decision from. To make it stick is to explore why you want the change and contemplate what the change would look like in your life and feel it. This is setting your intention with an elevated emotion. Then to practice aligning your intention with what you pay attention to. Get my free eBook Cultivate Soul Alignment to Manifest Your Dream Life & Business at bit.ly/dinasoulalignment If you want more income, clients, impact, then one sure way is to become a bestselling author. I am putting together my Multi-Author Amazon Bestselling Booking, My Mess is My Message – inspiring stories of incredible women who found purpose and prosperity through adversity. If this is you, then go to bit.ly/mymessismymessage a