Vancouver Tech Podcast

Episode 22: SKIO Music



Drew and James open the show with a quick chat about the past week of personal activities. James went to some TA training, where he found out about "learning bias". There is also a mention of the DevOpsDays, which can be watched online in 2 parts (part 1 and part 2). Between the 2 of them, they managed to get to 7 meetups last week, so be sure to listen to the reviews. This special show has 2 guests from SKIO Music, Neal Clark and Omri Amouyal. The interview starts at 0:29:16. SKIO Music provides tools for artists and record labels to increase commercial opportunities and enable strategic collaboration by removing the legal and administrative bottlenecks. SKIO Music helps musicians and record labels of all sizes. Whether you are a bedroom DJ, or a bigger label looking to commission something special from an artist. Do you have an event we should include? Do you have an opinion on something we discussed? We would love to hear your feedback or talk about your meetup. Interview Links SKIO Music SKIO