Early Accountability

EAP 173: Mental Health Matters - 3 Ways Your Mind Causes Self-Sabotage



Our topic on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is the 3 ways your mind causes self-sabotage. It is important to be aware of these pitfalls because so much of what you worry about never happens, and even when those things do happen, you almost always handle them better than expected. This knowledge can help you get out of thinking traps and shift your mindset to more beneficial processes. 1.Taking things personally – Without context or clarity, it is impossible to know why people say or do the things they do. As such, personalizing and allowing yourself to draw conclusions based on your limited understanding of why that person cut you off on the highway can lead to self-sabotage. 2.Black and white thinking – Recognizing that multiple truths can exist in the same situation for different people is essential to healthy interactions. Sometimes it is not clear cut, so you need to be flexible and open to hearing other perspectives before you jump to conclusions. 3.Minimizing success – Laser focusin