Early Accountability

EAP 178: The Real Reason Why You are Stuck



On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi discusses the main reasons why people do not reach their goals. Setting goals is important for personal and professional inspiration and motivation and provides the tools needed to overcome adversity. 1. Setting the wrong goals for the wrong reasons. It is critical for you to recognize your “why” and analyze if you have the right motivations in your goal setting. If you set a goal based on pleasing others, fitting in, or having a “social media ideal” life, you will not be personally satisfied or fulfilled, so you should start out by setting goals for the right reasons. 2. Lacking accountability. When you set long-term and short-term goals, you should build in some checkpoints along the way that will allow you to gauge your progress and make any necessary adjustments. A great way to do this is by talking with your goals with a coach, trainer, accountability partner, or group that will check in with you and help you stay on track. Additionally, blockin