Early Accountability

EAP 179: If It Isn't Written Down, It Doesn't Exist



During the process of goal activation, you are sure to run into discouragements and obstacles, and maybe these cause you to feel like you aren’t making progress towards your goals. But you may be surprised how much progress you really are making, even when you don’t see it. Tracking your progress towards your goals is an excellent way to stay motivated and on track along the way. Here are the Early Accountability Podcast tips for tracking your progress: 1. Break large tasks down into smaller tasks – While you may want to lose 100 pounds in 2 years, the thought of that drastic transformation is daunting and may seem impossible. However, focusing on losing 5 or 10 pounds in a month is much easier to comprehend, and it is easier to see what choices you need to make on a daily basis to lose those 5 or 10 pounds. Then you can move on to the next 5 or 10 pounds. 2. Celebrate small victories – These don’t have to be extravagant celebrations, but they should be something out of the norm to reward yourself for accom