Notion Capital

R08 - Entrepreneurship is about dealing with change, with Nik Whitfield, Founder & CEO @ Panaseer



Nik Whitfield, Founder and CEO at Panaseer, shares his COVID experiences, rescuing, recovering and ultimately reimagining his business and industry.Highlights:-We adopted a three 3 phase process: 1) Get lean; 2) Hibernate & Hustle; 3) Rebound- Our “winning from home” team has been very effective as adapting to the new working practices are not trivial- We are learning to make decisions for the best of the business with far less certainty than before, but it's working well.Nik Whitfield is a serial entrepreneur who founded Panaseer to provide a platform to unify IT and data security data, establishing total visibility and automating reporting processes. Panaseer’s goal is to give enterprise security teams and their stakeholders the insights they need to make risk-informed decisions that will keep their organisation and its data secure. Monitoring security controls during the current crisis has been a huge priority of Panaseer’s customers, putting Panaseer at the forefront.