You Can't Handle The Emet

Humans of COVID 19 with Dr. Benji Rozen | 007



Dr Benji Rosen is an incredible human being, Doctor, Musician, Adventurer and all-round fantastic human being. He is also on the frontlines of the fight against COVID 19 every day, something which led him to start the Facebook Group, Humans of COVID19 as a way of sharing the stories and experiences that those bravely and tirelessly battling this diseases. From Doctors to Nurses, from hospital security to bus drivers and police, Benji has given them a place to share, their thoughts, their pain and their experiences in an honest and frank way.  He kindly sat down with us to talk about his experiences, why he started Humans of COVID 19, what the frontline workers are experiencing.  We all need to hear his story and those of his colleagues because we owe it to them, they put their lives on the line to heal the sick.  it was an honour to talk with him.