Youngpreneur's Podcast With Victor Ahipene

First Generation Millenial Women Empowerment Ep 172 with Elaine Lou Cartas



Elaine Lou Cartas is a Global Career & Assertiveness coach, author and speaker who empowers first generation millennials with step-by-step processes and accountability to get their dream career with the salary they deserve, while being assertive. Elaine Lou works with clients throughout the world to help them understand their self-worth with salary negotiations, finding their dream career, networking, and being assertive. Through her own story, Elaine Lou has been able to ask for two salary raises, $12,000 from a past job, and a $26,000 into a completely new career.  Despite her successes, she has also gone through her own blessings in disguise by fired three times, and quitting from two jobs. Elaine Lou has coached others to have difficult conversations and get their respect and salary they deserve. Elaine Lou’s goal is for others to give themselves permission to live their truth. Elaine Lou is a proud daughter of two immigrants, and is committed to honoring her family’s struggles by living her life to t