Jean-luc Boissonneault

Where Did Your First Business Idea Come From?



In this audio, you’re going to hear from Jean-Luc Boissonneault, the former owner of Free Form Fitness and founder of He’s an entrepreneur who has one of those rags to riches stories. The kind that inspires people to want to get off the couch and do something with their lives. Jean-Luc started with nothing but an idea and created a life out of it… but it wasn’t always easy and he learned a lot of tough lessons along the way. Over a series of short interviews, we’re going to talk to Jean-Luc about the early days of his business. Where the idea for Free Form Fitness came from, what motivated him to launch the business and how he shaped the idea into something tangible. And, how he cut through the negative voices to push forward. In this interview, I asked Jean-Luc the question: where did the idea for your first business come from?