Inspired Insider With Dr. Jeremy Weisz | Ecommerce Interviews | Entrepreneurship | Inspirational Stories | Business Lessons Selling over 1.2 million Books to Give His Kids a Better Life -with Ron Douglas [Inspiration & Overcome Challenges]



Ron Douglas founded , a multimillion dollar publishing business, during his lunch break while working at Chase. He became a NY times Best Selling Author while scoring $5.8 million in free advertising from the media. Watch the Full Video Episode Here>> Listen to this interview: [Video & mp3 included]-Ron shares personal stories that made us both tear up.-What inspired him to succeed and sell Over 1.1 million books. For much more click below to watch! A little background about Ron: Ron Douglas is a successful entrepreneur with over 12 years experience in Internet Marketing. Hisportfolio of websites collectively get over 1.8 million views per month. As an established expert in e-commerce, information marketing, and publicity, Ron is amongst an elite group of individuals who have grossed over a million dollars both with a niche focused Internet business and in traditional mainstream publishing. In 2009, the huge following h