Stories Connecting Dots With Markus Andrezak

Ep. 10: Denise Jacobs - Banish Your Inner Critic , Do Your Best Work



Episode 10 Denise Jacobs This episode is on doing your best work and how creativity supports that. Really! My guest today is Denise Jacobs. Denise has her roots in Project Management and Software Development. Denise’ first book was a bestseller on CSS and she made a speaking career out that profession. But then, something happened, she got bored and was looking for a new challenge. Denise decided to become a public speaker and a „real“ book author on the topic of creativity. Until then, Denise spent years in teaching creativity techniques and exercises as well as giving keynotes on the topic. She discovered that there is an enemy to creativity in all of us: The inner critic. Following that insight, she focused on that topic and now, in June 2017, after years of research and practise, her new book will be published: „Banish your inner critic - Silence the Voice of Self-Doubt to unleash Creativity and do your best Work“ What I found extraordinary in this book is that it is not about some tree hugging might work