Accounting Insider - Property, Wealth, Business Tips & Tricks

Ep 39 Learning and lunch (at Osteria Oggi)



Regular Accounting Insider listeners know that Kym Nitschke believes that the business lunch is still hugely important, so in this episode we're bringing you to the table. Kym and regular host Andrew Montesi awkwardly placed their recording gear amongst their plates and wine glasses at Osteria Oggi, one of Adelaide's top CBD restaurants, for a live lunch chat which also included Accounting Insider listener Daniel Franco. Daniel shared his story, which include property, app and business development. Also in discussion - Kym also talks about the continued viral growth of his Porsche Buy and Sell Facebook group and how to potentially monetise it, as well as ideas for global expansion, questioning the value of university education, family and the quest for success. Tune in now. About Kym, : Kym Nitschke is an accountant, financial adviser and entrepreneur who lives and breathes the advice he gives his clients. Since taking charge of Nitschke Nancarrow Accountants in 2007, Kym