Accounting Insider - Property, Wealth, Business Tips & Tricks

48 Accounting For Death



People don't like talking about death. So it's no wonder that most people do not have their affairs in order. But Kym says it's a massive problem. Not having a Will, Enduring Power of Attorney or other important documents means that the Court makes the big decisions for you; who gets all of your assets when you pass away, who makes important decisions on your behalf if you lose capacity, and other critical issues. Not only that, these issues create enormous stress and costs for affected loved ones. Kym has seen it first hand, as an accountant and even within his own family. He shares his insights, and talks you through the four key documents you need to organise NOW! (Don't wait). Listen now. ALSO: You can now subscribe to the Accounting Insider VLOG on Youtube! About Kym, : Kym Nitschke is an accountant, financial adviser and entrepreneur who lives and breathes the advice he gives his clients. Since taking charge