Personal And Leadership Growth

Leaders who multiply others



To improve on our leadership skills“learn, unlearn, and relearn.” We have choice of friends but not choice of leaders Are you a leader who makes everyone around you better or the leader who sucks the energy out of others. Are you leading as a diminisher or you are leading as an amplifier. Some leaders kill other people’s genius. Some build it or even bring it out Some leaders train intelligence and capability out of the people around them Their focus is on their own intelligence and how good they are. They turn meetings into monologue where others are afraid to contribute for fear of being diminished. They create a vortex that sucks the energy out. As soon as they work into a place, the intelligence and IQ drops in that room. They kill other people’s ideas and cut into other people’s conversation. There is only a one way intelligence and conversation from them to others. Light bulb goes off when they enter into a room. There are also leaders who magnify others. Their intelligence is used as a tool to