Crypto Talks

10 Famous Fiction Writers Who Reached Success Through Failure


Sinopse ()Famous writers don’t need to seek literary agents and publishers. They don’t have to worry if their books will sell or not. Famous writers don’t have day jobs and have the privilege of doing only what they love – write. We dream to become one of them. We wish to be where they are now. But did we ever think where were they before becoming famous? Well I can tell you. They were exactly where you are now. Most of them came to success through failure. Many of them even through a massive failure… Don’t believe me? Well let’s see… From the many examples I have chosen those writers whom almost everyone knows. Even those who don’t read much and have not read their books have at least heard about them. None of them was an overnight success but all of them deserved the success. 1. J. K. Rowling She gave birth to Harry Potter and the guy made her famous and rich. But things were not that smooth in the beginning. 12 publishers