Crypto Talks

How to Get Your Book in Bookstores



Arvind Devalia is a bestselling author, book marketing expert, coach and inspirational speaker. Why is he wearing the red wig and the red nose then? Well no matter how weird this may sound the  wing and the nose contributed to the fact that Arvind is a bestselling author now. I will reveal no more, so if you'd like to find out more, simply listen to the episode. In this interview we also discuss Arvind's journey  of becoming a writer,  self-publishing a bestseller  and  getting his book to UK mainstream bookstores.                               More about Arvind (Make it Happen blog) (Arvind's Amazon Author Page) Tweetables How to Get Your Book in Bookstores? By knocking lots of doors and being proactive! It's easy to publish a book, but it's hard to publish good and successful book "