In The Loop With Andy Andrews

ITL292: The Important Difference Between Forgiveness and Trust



In this episode, we answer a listener’s question on the relationship between forgiveness and trust.   Forgiveness has the power to either bind or release a family, business, or relationship. Forgiveness means more to the forgiver than to the person being forgiven. In order to forgive someone, they don’t have to ask for it, deserve it, or even be aware you’re forgiving them. Forgiveness is a decision, not an emotion. People can sense bitterness, and they won’t remain around it for long.   Forgiveness is about the past—trust is about the future. You can forgive somebody who wrongs you even if you don’t trust them anymore. Someone can prove himself trustworthy again by not making the same mistakes.   Tune in to hear the Bible passage that shaped Andy’s view on forgiveness.   You can also hear more from Andy by subscribing to his new podcast, The Professional Noticer. Just go to for details.  Do you have a question for Andy? Call in and your questions might be features on the show! Ph