Exit Coach Radio

Adam Lomax - Who wants Financing?



Here's a past highlight from one of our Guests. Find their full interview at www.ExitCoachRadio.com Adam Lomax of Oxygen Funding provides a quick tip. We upload new content daily so please check back often! Transcript: Bill: What’s the difference between a business owner wanting financing and business owner needing financing, and how will it effect where they want to go get that capital? Here’s lending expert Adam Lomax. Adam: Wanting financing often times comes around from having a marketing plan, having an idea of where you’re going, having customers that are in the wings or perhaps even starting working with customers in the early days, knowing they’re gonna grow, knowing you’re gonna need more money to support that growth. That’s a good situation. It’s a challenge, it’s a business challenge, but it’s a good challenge. Versus, I haven’t paid my taxes and I need to catch up on that, or I can’t cover payroll next week. And those are also challenges, but those are a little more tougher challenges. Neithe