Solid Steps Radio

#91 Part I How Christians Can Help Heal Racism In Their Communities 7/22/17



Say the word race and many people become uncomfortable. They might not want to talk about it, or perhaps they become upset or angry. What can be done to combat racism? On this weeks show, Chad and Kurt talk with Dr. T Vaughn Walker and Dr. Chuck Tackett about race relations and how we, as Christians, can make a difference. Dr. T. Vaughn Walker has served as Senior Pastor of First Gethsemane Baptist Church since 1984. In addition he was a Full Professor at Southern Seminary where he taught for 30 years. Dr. Chuck Tackett has counseled hundreds of couples over the decades with 97% success rate helping couples avoid divorce. He is also on staff at First Gethsemane Baptist Church. 
A special Podcast Bonus segment will automatically follow the second track.