Foster Your Passion

Season 2 Episode 1: Can You Have It All? With Carrie Kerpen



In this episode, Carrie normalizes and makes sense of the “mom juggle.” She elaborates and emphasizes on how we must subscribe to the philosophy that we CAN have It all, but you cannot have it all AND do It at the same time. We must have self acceptance, be focused, deliberate, and again, accept and face the fact that we really are juggling things. Once you have self acceptance, you will be a happier person. And of course, we are human, so it is okay to let somethings fall. Listen to hear more on that “Do It” attitude that Carrie has, the one that we all crave. She teaches us how to pick ourselves up at the times that truly seem to be the lowest. More about Carrie:Carrie is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur.  In her own words, "I'm what you might call an “accidental” entrepreneur. Despite having a rather loud inner self-critic, I built a multimillion-dollar social media agency at a time when there was no one to teach you about social media marketing. Together, my husband and I did it without any formal edu