Foster Your Passion

Season 2 Episode 6: Nice Girls Don't Finish Last with Fran Hauser



Fran Hauser and Hayley recorded this episode back in April, before both of their book launches.  They discuss Fran's book, The Myth of the Nice Girl, and how NICE is Fran's superpower.  Once Fran accepted her authentic 'nice' self, she gained more confidence and freed up her time because she was no longer focused on trying to be something she's not.  Fran shares great insights from her time in Time Inc's corner office as the President of Digital to her side hustle turned new business of investing in start ups and supporting women in business.    More About Fran: Fran Hauser is a long-time media executive, startup investor, celebrated champion of women and girls, and author of the THE MYTH OF THE NICE GIRL (April 2018). She's held senior positions at some of the world’s largest digital media businesses, including Time Inc.'s PEOPLE, InStyle and Entertainment Weekly as well as AOL and Moviefone. Now an angel investor who largely invests in female founders, Fran was named one of Refinery29’s “6 Most Powerful Wom