Build A Bigger Life

BABL 004 Derek Hendricks on Synchronicity Surfing



BABL004 Build A Bigger Life Podcast: Derek Hendricks on Synchronicity Surfing Derek was a multi-millionaire in his 30’s when the world came crashing down around him leaving him and his business broken and bankrupted. Then, the revelations came. Derek realized that the money he pursued was in an attempt to fill a void from his childhood years. Derek is a man on a unique mission -- to help people find the synchronicities of life, to ride the waves of life, and to live according to your deepest beliefs and values. In this week’s podcast, you’ll learn how to take control of the bad things that happen to you and turn them into lifelong positives. Derek’s code is boiled down to three rules: If you don’t ask the questions the answer is always no. If you don’t go after what you want you’ll never have it. If you don’t step forward you’ll always be in the same place. Around 10:00, Derek talks about letting go instead of fighting… Around 14:00, Derek goes into asking for what you want in life… Are you FRAUDing yourself?