Build A Bigger Life

BABL 005 Tim Rhode on Gettin' The Goods In The Woods



Tim Rhode on Gettin’ The Goods In The Woods This podcast is one of my favorites as Tim Rhode is one part dude I want to hang with everyday, and one part dude I want to BE everyday. You’ll find Tim to be high energy, high passion, and high on life. Tim is a successful real estate investor, having been in real estate for 18 years and working his tail off to enjoy the BIGGER life he’s built for he and his wife. On the podcast, you’ll hear how Tim thinks daily about the highest and best use of his time. He’s consumed with being EEP -- Efficient Effective and Productive. Around 22:00, Tim talked about being in neutral in his life where he was winding the propeller to then think about what’s next. Around 25:00, Tim’s 501(c)3 1LifeFullyLived is brought up. The core messages from the conference are: Who am I at my core? What’s my plan for me? Offense: how am I going to make money? Defense: how am I going to avoid debt and invest wisely? EEP - How can I be efficient, effective and productive? 1LifeFullyLived has a gro