Spartan Up! - A Spartan Race For The Mind!

001: Nicole DeBoom Won an Iron Man in a Skirt then Made it a Business



Nicole Deboom is the epitome of "following your passion." Her triathlon passion transformed her life. It was how she met her husband who was the inspiration for her endeavors. It also led her to the epiphany that gave birth to a pioneering running skirt business and inspired her when she needed a winning approach to success. Even with limited experience, she found a nontraditional approach that thrived. Despite naysayers, her first victory in a triathlon launched an athletic apparel revolution.   Lessons: 1.  Entrepreneurs must have 100% belief in their ideas or they won’t make it.2.  Get comfortable being uncomfortable.3.  To be successful, break down long runs into short achievable gains.  Panel Notes:Joe Desena: Nicole is awesome. I love the fact that she met me so early in the morning, is a mom, an entrepreneur and an endurance athlete who wins Ironmans. It’s very rare to see the complete package when studying success, but she has it.Col. Nye: Party girl turned professional, entrepreneur.  The point is, i