Eon Financial Group Smsf Podcast

EON 32: Its not too late...



We speak with Jack Lowenstein from Morphic Asset Management.  I do not want the podcast to be a precession of fund managers promoting their funds.  The discussion I have with Jack provides great insight into the psychological workings of the market, strategies to counteract natural human tendencies and the importance of international markets to SMSF trustees.     The importance of international exposure to your SMSF is highlighted in the attached article Morphic produced.  The introduction to the paper is so powerful I decided to read it on the podcast.  The essence of the article is that things can go wrong in economies, even when they appear strong. Australia might not be immune from long term underperformance versus global markets.     If you do not have exposure to global markets, its not too late, as Jack explains on the podcast, increasing your exposure on the way up, can be a great strategy that counters the natural inclination of not buying after a price rise.   Compound your wisdom!