Change Your Story, Change Your Life

41: Touch The Sky



TOUCH THE SKY What if you couldn’t fail? What if you could easily conquer fear? What if you knew the secrets that Wall Street doesn’t want you to know? Would your life be more enriching and exciting? You bet it would! Damion Lupo is a visionary who had his first entrepreneurial success when he was eleven years old. He has made and lost and regained fortunes. He is wise, entertaining, and caring. He cares about you. Yes, you, even though he has never met you. Why? Because he grows by giving. Damion is a gifted myth-buster who will inspire you to break through any barriers that hold you back personally and financially. Listen and enjoy as Damion Lupo educates and entertains you in this life changing podcast interview. BOOKS IN THIS PODCAST Mastery by George Leonard Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell The Morning Miracle by Hal Elrod The One Thing by Gary Keller & Jay Papisan Bold by Peter Diamandis & Steven Kotler The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone Be Obsessed or Be Average by G