Change Your Story, Change Your Life

45: Your Feminine Magic



A WOMAN’S POWER No person or circumstance can hurt you without your permission. Orion Talmay learned this firsthand when she decided to reclaim her power after a man she loved beat her and put her in the hospital. She’s a fascinating woman who served in Israeli intelligence when she was 18 year old, went to Japan alone without speaking a word of Japanese, then settled in New York City to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. Today, she empowers women and men with the wisdom she gained from her travels and tough experiences. Listen, learn, and grow from her captivating story. BOOKS IN THIS PODCAST You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay Mirror Work by Louise Hay Everyday Positive Thinking by Louise Hay The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life by Wayne Dyer Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins ORION’S FAVORITE QUOTES “Leap and the net will appear” – John Burrou