Change Your Story, Change Your Life

48: Magic Mind Frames



WHAT’S YOUR FRAME? Your frame is your reality. Change the frame through which you see the world, and the world you see changes. Most people charge at life backwards. They look at the world and see circumstances they hate. They complain about them, they try to wish them away, they succumb to them in defeat. All they have to do is stop, breathe, reflect, and understand that the circumstance is never the problem. The real culprit is always the lens or frame through which you view the world. That’s where Kim Ades, today’s guest, comes in. Kim is a contrarian, a person who thinks outside the box. She clearly sees and understands the power of frames. She’s the creator and president of Frame of Mind Coaching. She helps you break out of your limiting frame and step into an empowering one and achieve peak performance. She has earned the right to guide and coach people in all walks of life by facing and conquering her own doubts, fears, and dream stealing frames. Listen to her story, a